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Tag Archives: law of attraction love
This episode focuses on one major episode. You are the love. Your whole life has been crafted as an wonderful lesson of love. Every twinkling star in the sky comes from love. Many do not understand this lesson. They think of love romantically. You are in love. You are always in love. The […]
How may I serve others so that they may have what I desire? The answer to this seemingly contradictory question holds the key to authentic inner peace. Many callers to my radio show are struggling with fears, worries, and concerns that stem, as they see it, from unfulfilled desires. I usually suggest that they try […]
God is love, and when true love in the heart unites a man and a woman together, that is actually God joining a couple in a sacred covenant. When there is a true, spiritual union between two people (God hath joined), there is-no divorce, for none is wanted. They blend spiritually, mentally, and physically. There […]
Souls reside within a paradox. On the one hand, they are whole and complete miniatures of God, “sparks of Divinity,” and on the other hand they seem fragile and ready to splinter into millions of pieces. Neither perception is entirely accurate. The soul is a vast ray of light, bigger than anything in the physical […]
A “How To” book focused on you gaining absolute control over your destiny, by awakening a sleeping and untapped energy that lies dormant in the brain. “In a matter of minutes- you can begin to tap the miraculous cosmic force of Psychotronic Power that lies within us all, and turn your life into a gold […]
Here is the kindle link to this wonderful book Life Without Limits, it has so much more than this episode Robert B Stone was an amazing writer and helped propel the silva mind control technique to the world. He wrote several amazing books Check out my previous episode miracle metaphysics power where we discussed […]
This is the Spirit of Infinite Love. The moment we recognize ourselves as one with it we become so filled with love that we see only the good in all. And when we realize that we are all one with this Infinite Spirit, then we realize that in a sense we are all one with […]
Who were the wingmakers? One explanation from on article on the subject states Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA — responsible for extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation — took the discovery into […]
“According to Neville, there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate. Not a ‘good’ source and a separate ‘evil’ one, but one universal source bending in obedience to the creative will of men and women everywhere. The how remains a mystery; but this eternal fact is nonetheless true. As […]
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