These affirmations serve as keys to unlock your innate power as a reality creator. They are not mere words, but rather precise frequencies designed to align your consciousness with its natural creative ability. Each affirmation is carefully crafted to resonate with the deepest levels of your being, where reality takes form before manifesting in your […]
Tag Archives: law of attraction affirmations
This is a collection of powerful affirmations designed to empower your manifestations and give you the power to bring your wish fulfilled in the best possible way. This makes the magic real. These affirmations will empower your mind to shift from reaction to generation. Listen to these words, believe them, embody them, become them. Play […]
This is the law of Karma, which is Sanskrit for “Comeback.” “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” I just love the writing of Florence Scovel Shinn. I imagine meeting her and being so sure and sassy at the same time. There is a playful teaching in each of her books. Florence Scovel […]