This episode is dedicated to a detailed discussion of the nature of chakras, a greater understanding of energy flow. Understanding chakras, energy flow and kundalini is essential for reality creation. BUY MY NEW BOOK AND ACTIVATE YOUR UNLIMITED POWER –
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Tag Archives: kundalini awakening
Listen to this to activate your quantum avatar. When i say activation it is more than just a meditation, embedded in my words are hypnotic and trance commands that awaken new energies. The patterns embedded into the vibration of my words are meant to awaken your quantum avatar. You exist within a vast quantum field […]
The purpose of this is to awaken your Kundalini Energy. Energy is coiled up at the base of the spine. By using breathing techniques and mantras we can awaken the Kundalini. This is a unique body process. I am going to give specific descriptions of the body. This is an advanced meditation. The goal is […]
Hereward Carrington (17 October 1880 – 26 December 1958) was a well-known British-born American investigator of psychic phenomena and author. His subjects included several of the most high-profile cases of apparent psychic ability of his times, and he wrote over 100 books on subjects including the paranormal and psychical research, conjuring and stage magic, and […]
Victor Oddo Has an amazing Youtube channel that is dedicated to people going through the ascension and awakening process. His expertise helped me through my awakening and it was so fantastic to get a chance to talk to him. Check out his channel here: Check him out on instagram Here is his website You can […]
The rising of kundalini has traditionally been symbolized as the rising and uncoiling of the serpent. According to Ra, the metaphor of the coiled serpent being called upwards is “vastly appropriate” for the seeker’s consideration because this is what the seeker is attempting. As described above, the inner light is calling and “uncoiling” the power […]
Kundalini is a powerful energy that resides at the base of the tail bone, often represented by a snake twisting up the spine. In most people, this energy is dormant until something causes it to awaken. This can be induced through specific types of yoga, breathing exercises or chanting. in Hinduism is a form of […]