Tag Archives: joseph murphy I AM

Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Secret Meaning Of Christmas

The Christmas story and the Santa Claus of the ancients have points of psychological similarity and significance. Both point to the inner Reality in all of us. Children should never be disillusioned regarding the reality of Santa Claus, which one day will be translated into this Divine-Self awaiting recognition in life and life’s purpose. The […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – How To Produce Tangible Riches

As we consider and gaze on the prodigality of Nature, we realize that there is an abundance of all things. Nature is lavish, extravagant, and bountiful. Wherever we go in life, we become aware of how great that fullness is. The laws of life are designed to give us unlimited riches, far beyond our daily […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – Banish The Feeling Of Guilt

The wicked are the bewitched and means anyone who thinks negatively and destructively. Life holds no grudge against any living being in the world. God is Life, and this Life-Principle is moving in you now animating, sustaining, and strengthening you. If you are wondering where God is, the Life-Principle in you is God. You are […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – How To Know The Mysterious Powers Of Your Mind

Your subconscious mind is the seat of memory, emotions and intuition. It is the seat of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, and telepathy. In your subconscious you will find infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom and all the riches of the Infinite waiting for you to tap. In a passive, psychic state it is possible for a good […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Master Secret Of The Ages (with Meditation)

Man is looking everywhere for God, not knowing that when he says “I Am” he is announcing the presence of the Living God within himself. This is called the master secret of the ages, sometimes referred to as the lost word. “I Am” means Being, Life, Awareness, The Presence of God in man. It is […]