Tag Archives: illumination

The Book Of Early Whisperings – By Walter Russell (Unabridged Audiobook)

“These writings are the whisperings of God’s voice to me during those early periods of illuminations which occurred in May of every year of my life from the age of seven. I endeavored to express thoughts and moods of these periods of ecstasy as my varying lack of body awareness balanced with my ever increasing […]

Walter And Lao Russell Obtaining Higher Knowledge Of The Light || EP 847

It is a strange fact, but tens of thousands are now seeking higher knowledge of the Light, which indicates a transition condition in the human race during the last three generations. By “higher knowledge” we mean Cosmic knowledge. You are one of these who seek that higher knowledge which lies dormant in all humans for […]

Walter and Lao Russel – Attaining Cosmic Consciousness || EP 833

How often we have told you that the greatest miracle which can happen to you is the discovery of your inner immortal Self. We would say that again and again for a thousand times until you fully know that the “kingdom of heaven” is really within yourself. Let us add to it by telling you […]

Walter and Lao Russell – Our Story Of Awakening || EP 799

In one of the most amazing writings of the home study course offered by the brilliant masters of meta-physicists Walter and Lao Russell share the personal story of their own awakenings.  You may find inspiration and commonality with your own awakening experience.  Walter and Lao Russel were brilliant in everything they did including science, painting, […]