Tag Archives: hurt feelings

Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Unbelievable Power Of Suggestion (963hz) || EP 1287

Once you admit there is any power outside yourself, and that power is thought, however beneficent you may conceive it to be, you’ve sown the seed which must sooner or later bear the fruit of fear, which is the entire ruin of life, love, and liberty. I repeated that because you should ingest it in […]

Dr Joseph Murphy – All The World Believes A Lie || EP 1259

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, there is none else. When you say I am, you’re announcing the presence and power of God within yourself. Pure being, life awareness. It’s the only presence, power, cause, and substance. The big lie is to give power to any person, place, or […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Cure For Hurt Feelings || EP 1239

I am human I struggle with hurt feelings. We all do and anyone that says they don’t is not being truthful. Joseph Murphy taught how to overcome hurt feelings through connecting to the god presence within. When fear, worry, doubt, or criticism by others come to me, and they knock at my door, faith and […]