Jamye Price, author of Opening to Light Language and the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck, is an energy healer, channel, and teacher. For over two decades she has been teaching the path of empowerment as humanity moves through the natural process of Ascension; an ever-increasing conscious connection with the subtle realm. She developed a profound healing […]
Tag Archives: higher consciousness
“These writings are the whisperings of God’s voice to me during those early periods of illuminations which occurred in May of every year of my life from the age of seven. I endeavored to express thoughts and moods of these periods of ecstasy as my varying lack of body awareness balanced with my ever increasing […]
The Law of Compensation can work for you or against you depending upon the way you guide it. It may take many years for punishment to follow transgression or for reward to follow virtue, but the compensation always will find you out. Nature makes sure that any excess is followed by a leveling. Fear gives […]
Everything you experience – every interaction, every circumstance, every moment of joy or challenge – is not just happening to you, but is in fact an extension of you. That the universe you perceive is a reflection of your consciousness, filtered through the lens of your unique perspective. This is about recognizing your role as […]
“My body was destroyed, but I was free. It was as if my old operating system of awareness had been replaced with a greatly enhanced model with far greater receptivity, bandwidth, and processing ability. I knew immediately and precisely how I would heal myself. I was in a state of Grace and cosmic consciousness. I […]
Join RJ’s Supercharged Self-Healing Live Workshop in Dallas, Texas July 26-28, 2024https://www.ascendthefrequencies.com/healing-workshop-dallas24 For questions about attending the event or other programs please contact RJ’s team directly:https://www.ascendthefrequencies.com/contact It is always good to speak with RJ and in this interview we focus on healing. You can heal anything! RJ Spina has devoted his adult life to teaching […]
I wanted to create a comprehensive scale from 1 to 1000 for levels of consciousness and energy, using similar systems created by David Hawkins, Frederick Dodson, Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary but I wanted to integrate the ten sefirot of the tree of life and 7 densities of consciousness from the law of one […]
In this episode I channel my higher self. A while back I asked my Facebook group to give me questions to ask my higher self. A number of interesting questions are addressed such as why we have intense love relationships. I don’t remember recording this, I am listening to it as a new listener. Be […]
I have been meditating with Q’uo for a while and it is a mindblowing experience. You can tangibly feel their presence. They deepen your meditative experience, they heal, they teach, the offer love, they offer light. Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research. The energies of Q’uo await […]