Tag Archives: healing power

Bliss Body Healing Activation

Experience life at its absolute fullest – where every cell in your body is alive with vibrant energy and radiant health. This is a revolutionary healing activation that will transform your entire being into a state of pure bliss and vitality. Powerful forces will merge within you, awakening your bliss body – your blueprint of […]

Super Healing Activation

This is an activation. Just by listening to this you begin the process of healing your body, your mind and your spirit. This activates your infinite healing power. In the gentle flow of words, where thoughts and feelings intertwine, begins your journey towards healing. Feel this activation gently guide you deeper into relaxation, deeper into […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – Developing Your Healing Consciousness || EP 1316

Let us dwell upon these great truths of the Bible: “I am the Lord that healeth thee. If thou return to the Almighty, thou shall be built up. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me? I will […]

How To Use Your Healing Power By Joseph Murphy (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 1078

How to Use Your Healing Power is Dr. Joseph Murphy’s lecture on the inner meaning of the healing in the New Testament. Murphy draws on his wide experience to illustrate how the healing miracles performed by Jesus exemplify the application, in specific cases, of basic principles of spiritual laws that have existed. He tells the […]