Tag Archives: guided meditation merging with your higher self

Guided Meditation Connecting To The Cosmos || EP 692

The intention of this meditation is to grow your awareness and create a connection to the cosmos around you. This will connect you to the vast infinity that you are. Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule Listen […]

Global Guided Meditation For Love And Light Meditation || EP 690

Meditation starts 1:10 ? This powerful meditation is designed to increase the light and love in your life and when done in groups it will massively increase the love and light around you and on the planet as a whole.  Collectively one of the most powerful thing we can do is to project and spread […]

Guided Meditation Journey To The Seven Temples Of The New Earth || EP 683

Meditation starts 1:26 ? Souls planning to Ascend to become an Ascended Master are required to have completed spiritual initiations as taught within the Seven Temples of Ascension. Duplicates of each accession temple are available for your use Many humans on Earth have completed some of the initiations in one or more of these Ascension […]

Guided Meditation The Universal Mind Meditation || EP 668

 Meditation starts at 2:20. Headphones recommended. The intention of this meditation is to connect and program your conscious mind to connect and utilize the universal mind. There is only one intelligence, one mind in all creation, and everyone is a part of it. Thought-transference, hypnotism, clairvoyance are only a few examples of the fact that […]

Guided Meditation Linking To The Cosmic Grid || EP 661

The  Cosmic Grid is an energy field (mesh-like) which surrounds Earth and the Upper Layers. It contains Universal energies, which if “tapped into”, can assist healing, knowledge and manifestation for the Highest Intent. The intention of this meditation is to awaken the charkras using mantras and mudras, to activate the Merkabah and then link to […]

Guided Meditation Sitting With The Angels || EP 570

 Angelic energy is a high-frequency light that’s unique to the angels. It’s the signature healing vibration of the angelic realm. Angelic energy is calming, healing, purifying and unconditionally loving. It’s rooted in the divine feminine, yet can also be connected to the divine masculine. The energy of the angels raises consciousness, opens up miraculous perceptions, […]

Guided Global Meditation – Activating The Cosmic Memory Complex || EP 535

This is a powerful global meditation that will allow you to join into a cosmic memory complex remembering not only all your incarnations but the incarnations of the whole galaxy and working as a unified body we send a shower of love over the planet. Here we go into the void and you merge with […]

Guided Meditation Become The Light || EP 492

You are light, all around you is light vibrating becoming matter.  The intention of this meditation is for you to become the light and then express the light to change your soul and the world around you. Become the light. Music By Mettaverse Travel Light Golden Lotus Subtle  energy Solar winds Skyward healing restorative music […]