Tag Archives: guided meditation for positive energy

Divine Unfolding – A Meditation For Abundance, Health, Love, And Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever felt a deep yearning to connect with something greater than yourself? A desire to tap into the infinite wisdom, love, and abundance of the Universe? If so, you are not alone. Within each of us lies a sacred spark of the Divine, waiting to be ignited and expressed in all its radiant […]

The Magnificent Life Meditation || EP 1416

This is a meditation designed around Anthony Norvell’s book The Magnificent Life which has a number of terrific affirmations and in meditation for is quite powerful. There is a constant and impelling urge within man to find the Magnificent Life. This inner urge colors his emotions and his every experience. It causes him to search […]

Deep Sleep Meditation – Entering The Universal Mind || EP 1410

Meditation starts at 1:04. Headphones recommended. The intention of this meditation is to connect and program your conscious mind to connect and utilize the universal mind. There is only one intelligence, one mind in all creation, and everyone is a part of it. Thought-transference, hypnotism, clairvoyance are only a few examples of the fact that […]

Guided Meditation The Universal Mind Meditation || EP 668

 Meditation starts at 2:20. Headphones recommended. The intention of this meditation is to connect and program your conscious mind to connect and utilize the universal mind. There is only one intelligence, one mind in all creation, and everyone is a part of it. Thought-transference, hypnotism, clairvoyance are only a few examples of the fact that […]

Guided Meditation Transformation Programming || EP 577

This is as set of powerful programs designed to play with headphones, these affirmations and suggestions are created to transform every aspect of your life.  This will program your subconscious and can be used while awake or asleep.   Welcome to the Reality Revolution Music By Mettaverse golden lotus infinite light holy frequency schumann resonance […]

Guided Meditation The Feel Good Meditation || EP 460

Meditation starts at 1:42 Approximately 40 minutes. As Neville Goddard says, the feeling is the secret.  Feelings are the key to reality creation.  You can create amazing feelings though meditation.  Here we access deeply good feelings. Use this meditation anytime you want to feel good. You will never feel better. Welcome to the reality revolution […]

Who Were The Wingmakers? || EP 141

Who were the wingmakers? One explanation from on article on the subject states Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA — responsible for extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation — took the discovery into […]

Interview with Katherine Jegede – Writer, Television Host, Expert on Neville Goddard || EP 140

“According to Neville, there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate. Not a ‘good’ source and a separate ‘evil’ one, but one universal source bending in obedience to the creative will of men and women everywhere. The how remains a mystery; but this eternal fact is nonetheless true. As […]

Transurfing the Waking Dream || EP 139

One of the most interesting concepts in Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing is the idea of the waking dream. In the Chapter Dreams of Gods, Zeland explores the ways in which reality interacts with the space of variations. Zeland asks the question, “Where is the alternatives space?” This chapter is important because here we see the […]

Guided Meditation: I Am Not My Body, I Am Not My Mind (Sadhguru) || EP 138

This is a powerful meditation. After doing this meditation for just one week I doubled my energy and concentration levels. This is based on Sadghuru’s Isha Kriya Meditation For 7-11 Minutes as you breathe in you think the thought “I am not my body”, as you breath out you think the thought “I am not […]