Tag Archives: god

The Creators – Operating As Source

Start out with the assumption that you are a being of Divine Love and Light. Then proceed from there. This assumption can be made no matter what the situation you are faced with. It is not something to pull out of your bag of tricks only when you feel that it is absolutely necessary to […]

Daniel Scranton Channeling Archangel Michael

Daniel Scranton is back and this time he channels the Archangel Michael and discusses his new book Channeling Archangel Michael: The Seven Signs of Humanity’s Ascension. Daniel Scranton is a verbal channel, spiritual teacher, and sound healer. He has been channeling the 12th-dimensional, non-physical collective known as The Creators since the Fall of 2010. Since […]

The Book Of Early Whisperings – By Walter Russell (Unabridged Audiobook)

“These writings are the whisperings of God’s voice to me during those early periods of illuminations which occurred in May of every year of my life from the age of seven. I endeavored to express thoughts and moods of these periods of ecstasy as my varying lack of body awareness balanced with my ever increasing […]

Choosing Love Over Fear

The Law of Compensation can work for you or against you depending upon the way you guide it. It may take many years for punishment to follow transgression or for reward to follow virtue, but the compensation always will find you out. Nature makes sure that any excess is followed by a leveling. Fear gives […]

The Arcturian Council – Your Galactic Connections

We have been extending out an invitation to each of you to connect with us, and in so doing, to connect with the Arcturian that is within you. You are Arcturian and Pleiadian. You are Sirian and Andromedan. You are Lyran, Cassiopeian, and also from Orion. You are not just one. You are all, and […]

Deep Sleep Meditation – I AM GOD

This sleep meditation is designed for you to fully become your godself, to merge with your divine aspect, to awaken to your true identity as god of the universe. With a guided visualization and a collection of the most amazing Joseph Murphy affirmations that are designed to affirm and program an alignment with your god […]

The Secret To Receiving

The universe is an abundant source of blessings, constantly offering us opportunities for growth, happiness, and success. However, many of us struggle to manifest our deepest desires and aspirations, despite our best efforts to create positive change in our lives. The missing piece of the puzzle is often our ability to receive. Receiving is a […]

Edgar Cayce – The Second Coming

Edgar Cayce’s predictions about the Second Coming of Christ are among his most intriguing and controversial. Cayce, a devout Christian, believed that the return of Christ would be a pivotal event in human history, marking the end of an age of materialism and the beginning of a new era of spiritual awakening. Here are some […]

Neville Goddard The Shaping Of The Unbegotten

So when you know what you want this night, just assume that you have it, and put it on just as God put this garment on. Assume that you have it. Because all things by a law divine in one another’s being mingle, all of us. Therefore, if I put it on I will influence […]

You Are God Awakening

In the beginning, before time as you know it, there was I – the Unnameable, the All-Encompassing. I existed in a state beyond words, a boundless expanse of consciousness, an ocean of potential. It was in this timeless realm that the universe was conceived, a thought born from the depths of my being, blossoming into […]