Tag Archives: esther hicks

Sara Landon – The Powerful Creator That You Are

You never needed more money to create. You never needed some particular person to help you. You never needed a certain level of physicality to be able to do it. All you needed was the consciousness and the awareness to open and allow the energy that has always been here for you to take any […]

Sara Landon – The Council The Most Extraordinary Life Imaginable

From a higher state of consciousness, this life experience is easy to master, and it can be everything you intended it to be. You can learn more about Sara Landon at https://resources.saralandon.com/ I am reading from the book the wisdom of the council at https://www.amazon.com/dp/140197676X 📕BUY MY NEW BOOK AND ACTIVATE YOUR UNLIMITED POWER – […]

Sara Landon Channeling The Council

Sara Landon is a guide for leaders, wayshowers, and changemakers contributing to raising the vibration of the planet. She shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the masters that they are while remaining grounded in the modern world. As the masterful […]

The Great Awakening Has Begun With Mike Dooley, Lyssa Royal Holt and Daniel Scranton

I was honored to get a chance to talk with Mike Dooley, Lyssa Royal Holt and Daniel Scranton and to hear two different channelings discussing the great awakening. I also got have an in depth discussion from Mike, Daniel and Lyssa about the great awakening and how we can navigate through this new earth. In […]

Sheila And Marcus Gillette – Channeling Angels || EP 1258

Although there are likely no human words to accurately describe who and what THEO is, THEO’s quote describing themselves above seems the best introduction. How do you explain the unexplainable? In fact, with regard to themselves, they often say it is better to focus on the message than the messenger. At the leading edge of […]

Who’s There? – Identifying The Spirit Who Speaks || EP 1068

We have covered many different channelings on the podcast.  There are numerous people who claim to channel a variety of spirits.  Spirit communication has been discussed and written about for centuries. How do we know who the spirit is we are speaking to?  Here I found in a discussion by Edgar Cayce and other others […]

Channels, Channeling And How To Channel || EP 420

Have you ever wondered if channeling is real?  How does it work?  Going all the way back to the bible people have claimed to channel spirits and angels and entities.  We have so many different examples of people channeling now like Abraham Hicks, Bashar, and Paul Selig.  Can we trust channelers or are they deceiving […]