Tag Archives: dr joseph murphy

Going Into The Silence || EP 397

So many great teachers and new thought leaders taught about entering into the silence. Neville Goddard did it, Atkinson, Towne, Marden, Mann, Benner, Buddha did it. Entering into the silence may be the key to connecting to solving all your problems. Here I share several great teachings from the great masters on how to enter […]

Dr Joseph Murphy Why Did This Happen To Me? || EP 368

When life does not go as planned, when misfortune strikes, when one is unhappy with the cards one is dealt, we often hear the plaint, “Why did this happen to me?” There is no easy answer to this universal question.   To accept the trials and tribulations all humankind faces, it is necessary to think God’s […]

Dr Joseph Murphy How To Use Mind Magic To Make Riches Flow || EP 357

In the silence you hear the voice Confucius said: “The superior man is always quiet and calm.” The Bible says: In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength (Isaiah 30:15). The secret of health, wealth and outstanding achievement is in developing what is called the “quiet mind.” By taking certain constructive words from the […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy ESP and Healing || EP 236

Dr. Joseph Murphy explains One of the most interesting and fascinating faculties of the human mind is that of prevision, or the capacity to visualize a future event before it occurs on the screen of space. During consultation work and while conducting interviews with people in many walks of life, I have been informed of […]

Dr Joseph Murphy You Can Control Your Fears || EP 326

Fear is the cause of great misery, and untold suffering and fear come to all of us. Many are afraid of the future, old age, insecurity, some illness or incurable condition, or the verdict of the doctors. Many are full of fear regarding their families, newspaper reports and the media in general, all of which […]

Dr Joseph Murphy How To Control Your Emotions || EP 314

How To Control Your Emotions Dr. Josephy Murphy The Ancient Greeks said, “Man, know thyself.” As you study yourself, you seem to be made up of four parts: Your physical body, emotional nature, intellect, and the Spiritual Essence which is called the Presence of God. The I AM within you, the Divine Presence, is your […]

How To Attract Money By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 300

Wanting money is a fundamental right of every human being. They want to live a decent life which is possible only with money. It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. To obtain this wealth, along with the positive actions of […]