Tag Archives: creation

Reality Creation Affirmations

These affirmations serve as keys to unlock your innate power as a reality creator. They are not mere words, but rather precise frequencies designed to align your consciousness with its natural creative ability. Each affirmation is carefully crafted to resonate with the deepest levels of your being, where reality takes form before manifesting in your […]

The Arcturian Council Bringing Humanity To The Next Level Of Awakening

We are very excited to be giving the following transmission, because we know how excited you all get when you know that humanity is getting closer and closer to the time where you will be ready to shift your consciousness. This is what we have been noticing lately – not only are more individuals waking […]

The Arcturian Council Mastering The Creation Of Your Reality

We have been focusing quite a bit of our attention on your ability to hold your vibration in a particular frequency, and we are very pleased to report that humans have been showing a greater ability to stay in the vibration of your choosing for longer stretches of your time. This is a skill that […]

Choose Who You Are || EP 1415

Who are you? No really who are you? You are love, you are power, you are source. You can choose who You are. You are not defined by what someone thinks about you. Nor are you what someone said you were. Understanding this point is critical to changing your life: You may not be who […]


This is the Identity Shift Meditation. I am so proud of how this mindblowing meditation turned out. This is the 38th meditation on the Reality Revolution and at the moment of this writing, it is my all-time favorite. The music is so powerful and transcendental, it starts out with 777hz during the beginning when I […]