Jude Currivan’s amazing book The Cosmic Hologram In-formation at the Center of Creation just blew me away when I read it. When I reached out to her I was so excited that she agreed to an interview. This book describes how holographic patterns of information underlie our physical reality It includes myriad evidence from a […]
Tag Archives: consciousness
Allie O’Shea is an International Law of Attraction Practitioner, a Writer, Healer, Coach & Inspirational Speaker, and the host of the soul expansion and inspiration podcast. She has helped 1000’s of people worldwide & continues to help people to understand their ability to create their own reality and to manifest wonderful things into their life […]
Do you have a problem visualizing? Many people aren’t aware of how powerful visualizing can be in their lives. In fact many of us are doing plenty of visualizations everyday. The problem is that most of us are doing visualizations to create the life we don’t want; we are often using it to imagine the […]
49:11 Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: reading, arousal control, anchors, law of attraction, radical forgiveness, meditation, visualization, priming, consciousness, eye movement, nlp, reality revolution, compassion, mind hacks EXPLICIT:No Episode Summary 31 mind hacks you can use to find success, create your reality, and transform your life Show Notes Brian gives his list […]
29:45 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: third eye, new age, wilcock, dispenza, awakening, connecting to source, consciousness, pineal gland, chakra, meditation, magik, law of attraction, reality revolution, manifestation EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In this episode Brian details the science behind the pineal gland or “third eye”. He describes how it works, […]
33:38 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: reality revolution, intention, placebo effect, manifestion, consciousness, drdispenza, fear, law of attraction, singularity, love over fear, abraham, quantum physics EXPLICIT:No Episode Summary This episode discusses the ways we are experiencing a quantum shift in the world. A new Reality Revolution. We are becoming more aware […]
Quantum physics and consciousness 29:21 minutes Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: dispenza, meditation, fredericdodson, double slit experiment, dr. joe dispenza, thoughts, consciousness, law of attraction, vadimzeland, parallel realities, void, quantum physics, transurfing, creating your own reality EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary Brian explores the concepts of quantum physics, the double slit experiment, quantum […]