Tag Archives: consciousness

Interview With Paul Selig – Channeling The Shift || EP 986

I really loved this amazing interview with Paul Selig.  He is one of my very favorite authors and I was clearly starstruck and overjoyed to speak to him.  Paul’s teachings have profoundly changed my life.   Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In his nine breakthrough works […]

A Message From The Trees My Journey To The New Earth || EP 725

Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Mount Shasta and the mighty redwoods.  As I began my journey I had become aware of the unique and vibrant history of these unique and powerful locations.  I wanted to feel and actually see the new earth.  I made this my goal and meditated upon it.  As […]

Human Evolution & The Ascension Cycle To The New Earth || EP 742

According to many sources, including the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Egyptian God Ra, and Edgar Cayce, indicate the Creator essentially got bored and lonely in the distant past, approximately 4.5 billion years ago. The Creator needed something to do; it wasn’t feeling complete by experiencing unified consciousness all the time. So it conceptualized the idea of […]

Multidimensional Consciousness And The New Earth || EP 727

The cyclic nature of events occurring on Earth is tied to the dimensional state of consciousness as described by Ra. The spirit called Ra is a “Social Memory Complex who evolved through the third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional states of consciousness on the planet Venus. Ra is currently in a sixth-dimensional state of consciousness. He advises […]

Interview with Ken Coscia – International Silva Trainer – On The SIlva Method || EP 709

Ken Coscia – International Training Director Ken Coscia, the International Training Director for all Silva Instructors, has facilitated transformation and coached over 200,000 people from all over the world in live training. Ken is committed to The Silva Method and the mission of enriching the planet by empowering the individual. He has been teaching the […]

Interview with Kristin Johnston On Quantum Wellness And Expanding The Consciousness || EP 688

Kristin is one of the founding members of the Quantum Healing Collective and  is the owner of the Quantum Wellness Center.  We talked about literally everything you can think of.  Krisin is SO well read.  I learned so much. This is one of my favorite interviews ever. You can join the QHC facebook group here […]

Interview With Kyle Boyd From The Quantum Healing Collective On Addiction and Meditation || EP 659

Kyle Boyd is a good friend who is one of the founding members of the quantum healing collective. The QHC is an amazing group that holds group interviews and meditations with metaphysical and spiritual teachers from all over the world. I have had the honor of doing a group meditation with the QHC Kyle came […]

Guided Meditation Walk-In And Wanderer Exploratory Probe || EP 485

Meditation starts at 1:30 Are you a walk in?  Are you a wanderer?  I created this meditation for your to find out. You may know a walk-in. You may even be one. They are high-minded entities permitted to take over the bodies of human beings who wish to depart this life. Their mission is to […]

Walk-Ins || EP 449

You may know a walk-in. You may even be one. They are high-minded entities permitted to take over the bodies of human beings who wish to depart this life. Their mission is to lead us into an astonishing new age. They are walk-ins, and there are tens of thousands of them on this planet.  Walk-in’s […]

Interview With Tom Cronin The Founder Of The Stillness Project How Meditation Can Save The World || EP 429

“When life is built on the Stillness of Being, it becomes an effortless flow.” Tom Cronin Tom spent 26 years in finance markets as one of Sydney’s leading bond and swap brokers. He discovered meditation in the early stages of his career, when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing had hit a crisis point, […]