In the beginning, there was silence. Before the first word was spoken, before the first thought arose, silence existed as the primordial canvas upon which all of creation would be painted. This silence persists beneath every sound, behind every word, within every moment—not as an absence, but as a living presence that contains infinite potential. […]
Tag Archives: consciousness
“These writings are the whisperings of God’s voice to me during those early periods of illuminations which occurred in May of every year of my life from the age of seven. I endeavored to express thoughts and moods of these periods of ecstasy as my varying lack of body awareness balanced with my ever increasing […]
All the Universe is Energy. Einstein at the end of life had one conclusion, that the universe was all energy and this energy was intelligent. Thought is energy and energy follows thought. We live in a resonating soup of frequencies in a landscape of unbelievable color and excitement. The key to tapping into these energies […]
The human brain is a complex and fascinating organ that has captivated the minds of scientists, philosophers, and spiritual seekers for centuries. At the core of our brain’s activity are the electrical impulses known as brain waves. These oscillating patterns of neural activity are not only responsible for regulating our daily functions, such as attention, […]
You Create Miracles You are the most important person in your world. You are the observer, the participator. You are the thinker in your life. You are the co creator of the things that happen to you. You participate in the things that happen in quantum. You consciousness directs the quantum to make the change […]
There is a hidden cause of all things, hidden because it is not visible, invisible because it takes no special form, fits no special description. It lies eternally and omnisciently behind the consciousness of every living thing, and it determines all fates, all consequences, all conflicts and resolutions. It is not thwarted in a single […]
“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” — The Kybalion. The great Fifth Hermetic Principle — the Principle of Rhythm — embodies the truth […]
This is one of the greatest books ever written. Three Magic Words is a ground-breaking book about the greatest idea in the world-a secret revealed in just three words-an idea so simple, so startling, so wonderful that it can start you on an adventure that will forever change the way you see yourself, others, and […]
There is one law supreme to this system of life. Sometimes we call it “the law of cause and effect.” Sometimes we speak of it as the method by which spirit passes into manifestation. Psychologists frequently speak of it as the law of suggestion. Every teacher of metaphysics spends his time either in giving his […]
Nicole Majik has an interesting and extensive background with a bachelor’s degree in Biology/Chemistry, a Masters in Metaphysics and experience as a Financial Advisor. She is an accomplished leadership and empowerment strategist and educator, and has created a highly effective, life-transforming empowerment program: The Alchemy of Transformation®. She awakens your true potential by erasing limiting […]