Tag Archives: Brian Scott Sleep Meditation

Deep Sleep Meditation : The Black Hole Meditation (Experimental) Lucid Dreaming In The Void || EP 222

Every sleep meditation is an experiment. This meditation comes from a personal interest in meditations on the void. The source of all things may come from a black hole. Some physicists now theorize that the universe exists on the other side of a black hole. In the law of one Ra explains that the Black […]

3 hour ho’oponopono – with piano and soft rhythm music 111hz-777hz || EP 218

AS A BONUS GIFT FOR REACHING 10000 SUBS, WIth a great soundtrack from Mettaverse of soft rhythm and piano music. For sleep or to play in the background. I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The Hawaiian word translates into English simply as […]

Guided Meditation: The Ho’opoopono Meditation || EP 216

I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You Hoʻoponopono (IPA [ho.ʔo.po.no.po.no]) is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The Hawaiian word translates into English simply as correction, with the synonyms manage or supervise, and the antonym careless.[1][2] Similar forgiveness practices are performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti […]

Deep Sleep Meditation – Ascending to Higher Dimensions – Delta 111hz 174hz 396hz 432hz 639hz 888hz || EP 161

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/4f263d91-b97b-4766-9b45-9d4f150090f0?dar The intention of this meditation is to allow you to ascend as a creator to a higher level of mind, body and consciousness. There is an 8 minute introduction. The meditation begins at 8:01 This meditation is designed to help revise your day, fall asleep to the wish […]

Deep Sleep Meditation -The Ultimate Transurfing Deep Sleep Programming Meditation -2000 Affirmations EP|| 127

This is a massive deep sleep meditation designed to fill up every hour of your sleep cycle. The intention of this deep sleep meditation is to use the concepts from Transurfing and reprogram your subconscious using your sleep. This is a powerful technique that can completely change your subconscious mind. I have found nothing more […]


One of the best uses of deep sleep programming is to adjust your wealth mindset. Sometimes it is difficult to change our core beliefs about money. By using sleep programming you can fundamentally alter your beliefs about money and develop a prosperity consciousness that will change the world around you. Suddenly you will have new […]