Tag Archives: brian scott money

Raymond Charles Barker – Profitable Thinking || EP 1129

Prosperity is a spiritual value within you that is invisible until you demonstrate it. Any person or group can use a spiritual premise and have expanding  prosperity in material goods. Many churches have treated the poor as the chosen and prosperity as a sin. The truth is the individual is his own prosperity. I am […]

Prosperity Thinking || EP 1041

“Where is the money coming from?” “How am I going to pay the rent?” “How am I going to get a new car?” “Why don’t I get a better job?” “Why don’t I get on faster?” “Why don’t I get a decent salary?” “Why can’t I be successful?” “Why don’t I get ahead?” “Why am […]

Dr L W De Laurence The Secret Of Abundance And The Art Of Getting Rich || EP 788

Poverty is no hindrance to riches, often it is the greatest aid. If you doubt this statement look at the lives of the rich men of the world—the multi-millionaires. How many of them began life with wealth, education, influential friends ? The world is changing its thought; in the past, those who believed in The […]

Raymond Charles Barker You Are A Potential || EP 759

“No one has ever seen the Divine power within you, but it is there.  You are inward mind action, and as this action which is able to control your experiences, you are invisible. You are mind unfolding.  You are a movement of consciousness.  You are mind unfolding itself. Inside the individual there is always the […]

Robert A Russell On Prosperity Consciousness || EP 712

I AM PROSPERITY “Where is the money coming from?” “How am I going to pay the rent?” “How am I going to get a new car?” “Why don’t I get a better job?” “Why don’t I get on faster?” “Why don’t I get a decent salary?” “Why can’t I be successful?” “Why don’t I get […]

The Secrets Of Prosperity || EP 767

In a several episodes on this channel I have discussed prosperity.  I have read a variety of books and discussed a host of different techniques that are designed to transform your life and bring you abundance and prosperity.  I have had many people email and text me about the huge success they have found using […]

Wells Of Abundance The 7 Planes Of Supply And The Law Of Increase by E V Ingraham (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 720

What is prosperity? Is it solely experienced on a physical level when you are surrounded by symbols of wealth and riches? Or is it a peaceful state of mind without any worries, illness, or stress? One thing is for sure . . . there is an unlimited supply for anyone willing to understand the principles […]

The Law Of Financial Success Edward E. Beals (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 703

One of the first – and most influential – books on the relationship between Mind, Science and Prosperity. Published in 1907, The Law of Financial Success set the framework for other groundbreaking books such as The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, The Master Key System by Charles Haanel and possibly Think and Grow […]

Be Rich! By Robert Collier (unabridged audiobook) || EP 677

Here is a secret of riches and success that has been buried 1,900 years deep. Since time began, mankind has been searching for this secret. It has been found and lost again — a score of times. The Ancients of all races have had some inkling of it, as is proven by the folk tales […]

Money Dr Julia Seton (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 662

Dr. Julia Seton (Sears), the founder of the Church and School of the New Civilization, was an important figure in the development of the New Thought movement from the esoteric- metaphysical point of view, and exercised a considerable influence over Fenwicke and Ernest Holmes, founder of the Religious Science movement. Julia Seton was born in […]