In the beginning, there was silence. Before the first word was spoken, before the first thought arose, silence existed as the primordial canvas upon which all of creation would be painted. This silence persists beneath every sound, behind every word, within every moment—not as an absence, but as a living presence that contains infinite potential. […]
Tag Archives: awareness
Right now you are probably watching or looking at this on your phone. Nothing has made a greater difference to consciousness than the modern cell phone. It allows us to communicate across long distances and now contains vast networks of knowledge and entertainment at your fingertips. Your phone is creating your reality. It is an […]
This is a wonderful meditation designed around questions that begin with can you imagine? This starts seemingly mundane questions that let you imagine the space and dimensions of body amplifying your awareness. This activates your imaginal mastermind, as we move further into the meditation you are guided to imagine your perfect future, with perfect love, […]
“We Are What We See.” This revelation is not just a simple observation but a doorway to understanding the immense power that lies within our grasp, the power of perception. Our minds are like mirrors, reflecting the world within and around us. But these mirrors are unique – they do not merely reflect; they alter, […]
Float down the river of time, an intelligent river that allows you to see yourself in a wealthy, vibrant, spiritual and healthy timeline. Travel to the wonderful possible futures available to you. Ideal For: Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, this journey is designed to deepen your understanding of potentials available […]
There are a variety of powerful meditations. But Ram Dass popularized the core of meditation in silence and deep contemplation. At the end of his life he would simply repeat the phrase and the ideas that I AM loving awareness. This invokes the I AM presence in the most powerful and simple way and tunes […]
We exist in a matrix must like the popular hollywood movie. This is a matrix of reality, it has been used to lock us into the a set reality. Here I discuss how to escape this matrix and enter the new earth. The list of Western myths that have swallowed our consciousness and power is […]
According to many sources, including the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Egyptian God Ra, and Edgar Cayce, indicate the Creator essentially got bored and lonely in the distant past, approximately 4.5 billion years ago. The Creator needed something to do; it wasn’t feeling complete by experiencing unified consciousness all the time. So it conceptualized the idea of […]
The cyclic nature of events occurring on Earth is tied to the dimensional state of consciousness as described by Ra. The spirit called Ra is a “Social Memory Complex who evolved through the third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional states of consciousness on the planet Venus. Ra is currently in a sixth-dimensional state of consciousness. He advises […]
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