We have long sailed through the shallows and superficialities of matter, motion and process and are now sailing into deeper waters in our search for the higher knowledge which you must have in order for you to become the omniscient Being of God’s intent for man. We have directed our efforts toward the reversal of […]
Tag Archives: attaining cosmic consciousness
It is a strange fact, but tens of thousands are now seeking higher knowledge of the Light, which indicates a transition condition in the human race during the last three generations. By “higher knowledge” we mean Cosmic knowledge. You are one of these who seek that higher knowledge which lies dormant in all humans for […]
How often we have told you that the greatest miracle which can happen to you is the discovery of your inner immortal Self. We would say that again and again for a thousand times until you fully know that the “kingdom of heaven” is really within yourself. Let us add to it by telling you […]