Tag Archives: ascension shift to the fifth dimension

The Arcturian Council- Massive Changes Resulting In Peace On Earth

You do want to come together and experience the power of unity consciousness; you do want everyone to be given an opportunity to be exactly who they are and to fit into the space they were always meant to fill. Being a loving and accepting person has such a huge impact on the collective you […]

The Arcturian Council: Earth’s Ascension Next Steps

We are very enthusiastic about the way that humankind has been taking the next steps necessary in your spiritual evolution as a collective. We have noticed that more and more of you have been able to witness your own thoughts, beliefs, and tendencies, and we have noticed so many humans stopping themselves from repeating patterns […]

The Arcturian Council Bringing Humanity To The Next Level Of Awakening

We are very excited to be giving the following transmission, because we know how excited you all get when you know that humanity is getting closer and closer to the time where you will be ready to shift your consciousness. This is what we have been noticing lately – not only are more individuals waking […]

The Arcturian Council Mastering The Creation Of Your Reality

We have been focusing quite a bit of our attention on your ability to hold your vibration in a particular frequency, and we are very pleased to report that humans have been showing a greater ability to stay in the vibration of your choosing for longer stretches of your time. This is a skill that […]

The Arcturian Council – Don’t Worry Everything Is Going To Be All Right

We are quite certain of your ascension. We know that it is happening, and therefore we know that everything will be all right there on Earth. You don’t have to worry about humanity. You don’t have to worry about going in the wrong direction. You simply cannot. It will not happen. This is a universal […]

The Arcturian Council – Upcoming Upgrades And Massive Changes To The Planet

We are not the experts on living life on Earth in a physical human body. You are the experts in that arena of existence, and that is why there is so much attention on Earth at this time. There are many reasons, actually, but so many are observing you for the purposes of learning. They […]

The Arcturian Council – What Is To Come For Humankind

We are very impressed by humanity, as always, but this time it is because of your willingness to maintain a positive attitude and outlook. Oftentimes it can seem like humanity is on the brink of doing itself in, and yet, those of you who understand the power of your intention and your focus know that […]

The Arcturian Council – Are You Prepared For The shift

We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort […]

The Arcturian Council – Your Place In The Great Awakening

It is the fortune of humanity to be sitting where you are at this time. It is very fortunate that you have arrived where you are, because you could have taken a much different approach to shifting your consciousness. The position that you are in now is one where you can usher in the golden […]

The Arcturian Council – Massive Changes On Earth

This is a beautiful time and a powerful time for you all to get focused on those massive changes you want to see in your lives and in the outside world, because as soon as you acknowledge that you have changed dramatically in this lifetime, you can start to see that reflection outside of you. […]