Tag Archives: aaron abke

The Law Of One: Accelerating Personal Evolution The Meaning & Purpose Of Life, The Universe & Everything By Don Elkins || EP 703

Don Elkins was an amazing researcher who was the catalyst behind the Ra Material.  Prior to his death he began writing about the law of one.  This is a short discussion and exploration of the implications and meaning of the law of one that ends up being a profound introduction and synthesis of this material. […]

The Law Of One On Orion || EP 681

This episode discusses the subject of Orion as it is described in the law o of one.  The Orion group, according to the law of one is the group which represents the negative polarity One of the most complicated and advanced subject in the law of one material is the discussion of the Tarot.  Ra […]

Interview with Aaron Abke On Thought Wars, Genghis Khan And The New Earth || EP 675

I am a huge fan of Aaron Abke, he has a tremendous channel where he talks about his spiritual awakening, the law of attraction, the law of one, the course in miracles and a whole lot more.   With all the changes in the world I had to talk to Aaron again and get his […]

The Luciferian Rebellion || EP 764

A variety of sources from the bible to Urantia, to Drunvalo Melchizedek have discussed that something happened in our distant past termed the luciferian rebellion.  Is it a myth or is there more to it.  Here we discuss what some channeled sources have to say about the Luciferian rebellion Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full […]

The Confederation Of Planets || EP 749

Ra: I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation. This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third. It contains planetary entities within your […]

Q’uo On The Mayan Prophecies & The Shift Into Fourth Density || EP 680

Q’uo is a channeled entity that provides knowledge similar to the law of one but in many ways is easier to understand. Here we have a collection of channelings from Q’uo given on the Mayan prophecies, how to interpret them and our shift into 4th density. In the case of the Ra contact, the transmission […]

Shifting To A New Earth || EP 655

Some say that with the Precession of the Equinox on December 21, 2012, our planet ended a cycle of approximately 26,000 years and began anew of moving toward the light and bringing back the Divine Feminine. The returning Goddess energy is not to rule, but to restore balance and harmony. We will experience a rebirth […]

Dr. Frank B. Robinson Psychiana Lesson 1 Awakening The Power Of The Living God || EP 580

While living in Portland, Oregon in the mid 1920’s, Frank Robinson had a “vision of the future” seeing himself at the head of a new religion, one based on I Corinthians 3:16: “Know ye not that your bodies are the temples of God–and that the Spirit of God liveth in you?” While working at the […]

Neville Goddard God’s Law || EP 579

Neville Goddard God’s Law April 9 1965 Tonight you’ll find it a very practical night and, at the same time, a spiritual night. We’ll call it “God’s Law.” Paul said, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, so shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). Here we find the principle of […]

M – The Secret Of Atoms || EP 578

M is the anonymous author of the dayspring of youth and the lord god of truth within. There are theories but no real clarification as to who M is.  The books carry mindblowing information on a variety of advanced subjects One of the keys is Atoms. Here M explains that there are different kinds of […]