Tag Archives: a state called moses

Neville Goddard – Awakened Imagination (Unabridged Audiobook)

Here I read the all time classic, Awakened Imagination, Neville Goddard expounds upon his belief that to realize your desire an action must start in your imagination. Illuminated by quotations from Yeats, Blake, and the Bible as well as accounts of his personal experiences, Neville will show you: This is Neville’s classic guide to using […]

Neville Goddard – The Five Lessons, Questions And Answers

This is the questions and answers that came from the five lessons and is the part of this amazing teaching. This is the final chapter in the five lessons. In 1948 the modern mystic Neville Goddard presented a series of lessons in Los Angeles that many have come to regard as the teacher’s clearest, most […]

Neville Goddard – No One To Change But Yourself – The Five Lessons – Lesson 4

We radiate the world that surrounds us by the intensity of our imagination and feeling. But in this third-dimensional world of ours time beats slowly. And so we do not always observe the relationship of the visible world to our inner nature. This is is the FOURTH lesson of Neville Goddard’s Five Lessons In 1948 […]

Neville Goddard – Thinking Fourth Dimensionally – The Five Lessons Lesson 3

To the Christ mind, the spiritual mind, which in our language we will call the fourth-dimensional focus, the past, the present, and the future of the natural mind are a present whole. It takes in the entire array of sensory impressions that man has encountered, is encountering, and will encounter. The only reason you and […]

Neville Goddard – Assumptions Harden Into Fact – The Five Lessons – Lesson 2

Just relax and enter into the feeling of actually being what you want to be. As you do it you are entering Jericho with your spy who has the power to give it. You are releasing Barabbas and sentencing Jesus to be crucified and resurrected. All these stories you are re-enacting if now you begin […]

Neville Goddard – The Search (Plus His Vinyl Record)

This is a reading of Neville Goddard’s amazing short booklet called The Search. I also read the transcript for his vinyl record, he talks about imagination and his visions in a poignant and powerful writing style. This is Neville Goddard at the top of his game. ONCE IN an idle interval at sea, I meditated […]

Neville Goddard – A State Called Moses

4/29/1968 In the Bible, “All of the characters from the beginning, from Adam to Jesus, are states of consciousness. As Blake said in his Vision of the Last Judgment: ‘It ought to be understood that the persons Moses and Abraham are not here meant; these are only states as they were revealed to mortal man […]