Tag Archives: 5th dimension

The Creators – The Ride To The 5th Dimension

We notice when you are struggling there on Earth with a particular subject, a topic that seems to haunt you in your day-to-day lives. And we know that you probably notice them as well, and you call them your issues. You say you are struggling with a particular issue, and it is true that you […]

Sal Rachele – The Rise And Fall Of Civilizations In Our Solar System

https://the-reality-revolution-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/sal-rachele-the-rise-and-fall-of-civilizations-in-our-solar-system I am honored to get the chance to read some of Sal Rachele’s amazing work and you won’t want to to miss this one as I cover the rise and fall of civilizations in the solar system. This covers a variety of amazing topics like the arrival of the Dark Orions to our Solar […]

Sal Rachele – The Founders The Universe Is An Experiment

Here, I read a channeling from the amazing Sal Rachele where he channels the Founders and discusses the creation of the universe and way it was created as an experiment. “Hello, we are the Founders. Let us begin by introducing ourselves. We are what you call Creator Gods. Only a small percentage of our energy […]

Sal Rachele – Shifting Into 5D

I have been trying for years to interview Sal. His books are mindblowing and it was nice to finally get a chance to speak with him. Sal Rachele is a pioneer in the human potential field. In the mid-1970s, he became interested in developing his psychic and intuitive abilities and took Silva Mind Control training. […]

Embracing The Shift Into Fourth Density New Earth || EP 1493

We are entering into a new age with new possibilities. We are entering into fourth density. I have studies this deeply for my book, that many of you received in the recent newsletter. I explain the meaning of densities and the history and narrative behind the new earth. There are hundreds of books and channelings […]

Sheila And Marcus Gillette – Channeling Angels || EP 1258

Although there are likely no human words to accurately describe who and what THEO is, THEO’s quote describing themselves above seems the best introduction. How do you explain the unexplainable? In fact, with regard to themselves, they often say it is better to focus on the message than the messenger. At the leading edge of […]

Guided Meditation – Activating The New Earth – Becoming An Earth Sun Conduit || EP 740

Meditation starts at 2:49 The intention of this meditation is truly activate the new earth.  It is suggested that you do this meditation outside and perferably during the day.   This meditation will start the process of transforming you into an earth sun conduit.  You become the alchemical channel of the energies of the sun […]

Interview With Von D. Galt On Sacred Geometry, Parallel Realities And The New Earth || EP 547

Von D. Galt is an author who has studied Buddhism for the past four decades and counting. She grew up studying metaphysics, consciousness, eastern energy medicine, and Buddhist art history from her Laotian Buddhist upbringing. In Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry, readers worldwide get insight into the process of spiritual awakening and […]