These are the channelings of Archangel Michael as given by Daniel Scranton Believing in your ability to stretch yourselves beyond where you have been before is what you are about to accomplish. We are not talking about believing in your abilities to manifest, or to connect with your guides, or to have any type of […]
Tag Archives: 5d
When you discover that you do have the ability to be clear in the face of confusion, to be whole in the face of fragmentation, and to feel peace in the face of chaos, that is when you will taste what it is like to truly be a conscious creator. Being a conscious creator does […]
“By now, you understand the true nature of your being. You are aware and you are awake. And in some ways, there is nothing left to do. There is nothing that you must achieve. There is no series of steps that you must perform. We want you to give yourselves credit for having woken up […]
Start out with the assumption that you are a being of Divine Love and Light. Then proceed from there. This assumption can be made no matter what the situation you are faced with. It is not something to pull out of your bag of tricks only when you feel that it is absolutely necessary to […]
“The level of consciousness that you hold is the most appropriate for this dimension. So you are not doing anything wrong by being here at this time, by experiencing third and fourth-dimensional realities. It is not because there is something that is going wrong with you that you are focused here at this time, because […]
Rachel Corpus is an Angel, an actual Angel in a human body, who came into physical form to learn and teach how to live a fulfilled life in deep connection with Source. She was born with the ability to experience things that others could not easily see or feel. Some of her earliest memories are […]
Now, getting back to the timing of this transmission. There are energies being presented to Mother Earth in every corner, in every nook and cranny, that will be giving those who connect to her everything that you need. Mother Earth, like your sun, can give you activations, can heal you, can provide for you upgrades, […]
We have been exploring different ways to grant humanity access to the higher-dimensional energies, and we have noticed that through meditation, relaxation, and following your bliss, you can tap in to these energies quite easily. We also notice that drinking lots of water, resting and grounding yourself are also very effective techniques. What we want […]
All that is necessary in order for you to experience yourselves as fifth-dimensional beings is a letting go of attachment to that which you have always wanted to experience as a third-dimensional being. In our previous transmission, we had mentioned that you had passed over the threshold, but we were not clear about how it […]
We have an abundance of what you would refer to as time because we are always so present and because we know how time works. We know that there are these entities called timelines and that the timelines do all of the real work for us. Like you all, we are searching for the best […]