Tag Archives: 5d ascension

The Creators – The Ride To The 5th Dimension

We notice when you are struggling there on Earth with a particular subject, a topic that seems to haunt you in your day-to-day lives. And we know that you probably notice them as well, and you call them your issues. You say you are struggling with a particular issue, and it is true that you […]

5D Ascension Activation

This is the Fifth Dimensional Activation. The transition from third to fifth dimensional consciousness is like upgrading from black and white to full spectrum color vision. In 3D reality, we experience linear time, separation, and limitation. But 5D consciousness opens up to unity, possibility, and the infinite nature of Now. Your mind naturally knows how […]

Your Ascension Is Now || EP 1436

This is a semi channeled piece inspired by my higher self to let you know that your ascension is now. We are shifting into a new dimension and now is your time to shine. Now is the time to move into 5d energy. The new earth is available to you. Lets introduce you to the […]