Tag Archives: 4d

The Founders – Becoming Conscious Creators

When you discover that you do have the ability to be clear in the face of confusion, to be whole in the face of fragmentation, and to feel peace in the face of chaos, that is when you will taste what it is like to truly be a conscious creator. Being a conscious creator does […]

The Creators – Your Journey To The Fifth Dimension

“The level of consciousness that you hold is the most appropriate for this dimension. So you are not doing anything wrong by being here at this time, by experiencing third and fourth-dimensional realities. It is not because there is something that is going wrong with you that you are focused here at this time, because […]

The Founders How To Be Fifth Dimensional

All that is necessary in order for you to experience yourselves as fifth-dimensional beings is a letting go of attachment to that which you have always wanted to experience as a third-dimensional being. In our previous transmission, we had mentioned that you had passed over the threshold, but we were not clear about how it […]

The Arcturian Council – Join Us On The Perfect Timeline

We have an abundance of what you would refer to as time because we are always so present and because we know how time works. We know that there are these entities called timelines and that the timelines do all of the real work for us. Like you all, we are searching for the best […]

Fourth Dimension Plus By E.V. Ingraham || EP 1036

The ever-evasive fourth dimension has attracted wide attention during the past few years. At the same time it is general acknowledged that to understand the fourth dimension is quite beyond the comprehension of the average mind. We venture to say, however, that the lack of general comprehension is due to the fact that the average […]

Interview with Aaron Abke On Thought Wars, Genghis Khan And The New Earth || EP 675

I am a huge fan of Aaron Abke, he has a tremendous channel where he talks about his spiritual awakening, the law of attraction, the law of one, the course in miracles and a whole lot more.   With all the changes in the world I had to talk to Aaron again and get his […]

Q’uo On The Harvest || EP 696

Quo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions.  Here we find out information about the harvest, particularly post 2012 and what is and what to expect. This information is mindblowing. BUY MY BOOK! https://www.amazon.com/Reality-Revolution-Mind-Blowing-Movement-Hack/dp/154450618X/ Listen my book on audible https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Reality-Revolution-Audiobook/B087LV1R5V This […]

Q’uo On The Mayan Prophecies & The Shift Into Fourth Density || EP 680

Q’uo is a channeled entity that provides knowledge similar to the law of one but in many ways is easier to understand. Here we have a collection of channelings from Q’uo given on the Mayan prophecies, how to interpret them and our shift into 4th density. In the case of the Ra contact, the transmission […]

Hereward Carrington On The Kundalini And The Fourth Dimension || EP 534

Hereward Carrington (17 October 1880 – 26 December 1958) was a well-known British-born American investigator of psychic phenomena and author. His subjects included several of the most high-profile cases of apparent psychic ability of his times, and he wrote over 100 books on subjects including the paranormal and psychical research, conjuring and stage magic, and […]

Charles Brodie Patterson The Fourth Dimension And The New Earth || EP 533

A New Heaven and a New Earth; or, The Way to Life Eternal, by Charles Brodie Patterson, bears the sub-title, “Thought Studies of the Fourth Dimension.”  Mr. Patterson believes that “death, as now understood, will cease to be, and that the time will come when the highly developed man will have the power to lay […]