Self Worth And Confidence Activation

This is an activation which is more than a meditation. This is designed so that simply by listening to this it will activate it a feeling of self worth and confidence no matter what state you are at mentally.

Each and every one of us possesses an innate value that is unquantifiable and irreplaceable. However, far too often, we allow external factors and the opinions of others to dictate our sense of self-worth.

Your self-worth is not determined by your achievements, possessions, or the approval of others. It is an intrinsic part of who you are, and it should never be contingent upon external validation. When you base your self-worth on these fleeting factors, you leave yourself vulnerable to the whims of circumstance and the judgments of others.

You need to have confidence and self worth if you want to manifest abundance, become healthy, find a loving relationship and create your reality. Without this essential aspect you will be fully handicapped and unable to share your amazing gifts to serve others. So lets activate your self worth and confidence.