Robert B. Stone – Using Silva Mind Control To Communicate With The Other Side (5 Day Plan) || EP 490

“We are said to be entering a New Age.  Many people define the New Age as one in which we will all be more open to creativity.  Others say it is a period of awakening, of expanded consciousness.  Mankind’s expanded consciousness has brought the other side closer to this side. Believe me, it is now so close you can “touch” it.

When I first started research into how to activate more of the mind, people thought I was crazy. That was back in 1944. You could not even talk about the powers of the mind in those days.

Even when the Silva Method was perfected and launched publicly in 1966, rumors were rampant that it was evil. Today, the Silva Method has come of age. The New Age.

The Silva Method is validated by the findings of physicists that describe space as a field of intelligence, which confirms the theory of the collective unconscious proposed decades ago by Dr. Carl Jung. Research with biofeedback equipment has enabled us to measure brain activity showing changes that come with relaxation–another scientific fact consistent with the Silva approach. And thanks to new understanding of the brain’s right hemisphere, the Silva Method is accepted in almost every country in the world, and millions are successfully using the training.

Does the Silva Method help us to contact the other side? No, because we are already in contact with the other side.

Does it give us special privileges with the other side? No–nobody, in the eyes of the other side, is special.

What, then, does the Silva Method do? Simply stated, it helps us to use our natural contact with the other side effectively to make this a better world in which to live. Creation is the goal of the other side.

The Creator is still creating, not only out there in space, but here on planet Earth. There are aspects of this planet that are still in the process of formation.

Land masses are inching along; volcanoes spew lava to add new land; quakes reshape and reform; erosion creates more usable flatlands; brand-new islands arise in the ocean. But the Creator needs man’s help in creation. Man is necessary in the creation of a ship, an airliner, or locomotive. The Creator needs man to fashion clothing, furniture, and homes.

Man must be a co-creator in developing computers, energy sources, and industries. Is it possible that the other side is seeking to get more help from us humans? To make us better co-creators? The Creator may have provided the answer to this question.

That answer may be the New Age. And part of the New Age is the Silva Method. ” – Robert B Stone

You can get a kindle copy of his book here

Here is the kindle link to this wonderful book Life Without Limits, it has so much more than this episode

Stone was author and co-author of over 80 published books, most notably on self-help and powers of the mind. His most best-selling book was “Martinis & Whipped Cream” (1966) with coauthor, hypnotist Sidney Petrie. That book was significant in the history of dieting.

Dr. Stone was an internationally known lecturer on the human potential. He taught for many years at the University of Hawaii on activating the powers of the mind. A MENSA member and graduate of MIT, Dr. Stone was elected to the New York Academy of Science. A Silva Method lecturer for 20 years and Ambassador-at-Large, he introduced the Silva Method to five nations and was honored with many Silva awards.

You can also learn more about Dr. Stone at


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