Reprogramming The Self || EP 882

We are all asleep.  We are all zombies.  Everything we do is programmed.  Do you use generic phrases over and over?  How much of your behavior is the result of programming.  The world around is constantly programming us.  Our parents, our school, our media are constantly programming us.

Is there any hope we can break this programming?

The reason that mystics and certain other psychologists are always “attacking” the ego is that the ego is the one mechanical circuit that suffers chronically from the illusion that it is non-mechanical and “free.” The ego and its delusions must be undermined–either attacked openly and bluntly, as in the Gurdjieff system and this book, or subverted more subtly and slowly, as in certain other systems–before any real progress can be made toward “liberation,” “enlightenment,” “finding IT,” discovering the “True Will” in Crowley’s sense, or whatever is your favorite term for becoming less robotic and more aware–less the computer and more the programmer of the computer–less the conditioned rat in the Behaviorist’s maze and more the Beyond-Human that the Sufic-Hermetic traditions and Nietzsche have predicted.

Mechanical reactions are the statistical norm; full conscious attention remains very rare. (That’s why one Zen Master always gave the answer “Attention!” when he was asked what Zen “is.”)

Society is structured to implement and exploit the product of the “maladaptive fallacy.” The maladaptive fallacy is the assumption that man is flawed and evil. To correct our “pathology” we have military, police, psychologists, sociologists, university professors, physicians, priests, politicians and their ilk whose “soul” purpose is to mold us into productive agents for their employment, and allowing us to accumulate possessions which will be re-distributed through acts of violence and war.

Freedom comes from the knowledge of the Orphic Mysteries. Life oscillates between chaos and form. Try on a form, use it — know it — discard it. Then from chaos make a new form. Repeat the Cycles as often as possible and you will feel alive and free.

Our sleeping brain is capable of anything and everything we wish. The solution to man’s “problems” lies in first getting “himself” out of his own way, and then re-programming his brain according to his “true will”. Man’s freedom is not in his conditioned ego-personality or his castrated visions of gods and demons but in his desire and ability to change himself.

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Music By Mettaverse

inner worlds


into the omniverse


journey through the multiverse

field of oneness

light quotient

travel light

dream flow


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