Raymond Charles Barker Money Is God In Action || EP 514

The shortest, most used, and many think the best on its subject. Money Is God in Action created a minor sensation when it was announced in the Religious Notices page of the New York Times. Equating God with money was unheard of in New York, from St. Patrick’s Cathedral down to Wall Street’s Trinity Church. New York was never the same after that.

Money Is God In Action!

   The universe supports me and maintains me in freedom because God is the Source and continuance of good. The Mind which created me sustains me. Money is God’s means of giving me ease and freedom. It is the symbol of the Divine Supply forever maintaining me in comfort. I use money for the glory of God, the good of my fellowman and the ease of my own experience.

   I believe God wants me to be happy and prosperous. I do not want anyone else’s money because God gives me the ability to earn my own. My earning capacity depends upon my consciousness, and I now have a prosperous consciousness. I receive money with appreciation, and I spend it with wisdom.

   I know that God is my Source of supply and that more money flows into fill my every need. I think in large and generous terms. I now let money appear in all possible ways. My faith determines my fortune. Money is mine to use but not to own. It circulates in my life with ease. I know my spiritual responsibility for the right use of money. It is God’s way of making my life free.

~Dr. Raymond Charles Barker

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Music by Mettaverse


Love The Universal Constant

The Language Of Light

Inner Worlds

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