September 29 2024
Topics: Balancing the over-emphasis of development of the mind; serving those with mental disorders; violence in the Middle East; sharing a spiritual life without infringing on the free will of others.
“This place of a wounding and bellicosity, in particular in your world, is one that looms large in the mind of the planetary being. For it is a center from which powerful energies have emerged into your world, both in service to humanity upon the positive path and service to the self against humanity upon the negative path.
It is a place of long millennia of your time of war among your peoples. It is a place which yearns for peace and the quenching of the fires of those cycles of retribution and animosity of neighbor towards neighbor, but which finds itself also addicted to these cycles, unable, seemingly, to break them; some portions even relishing and seeking these cycles as the pain within is so bright that it must be satisfied by projection outward in the act of scapegoating, of vilifying, of othering, such that the neighbor becomes the problem which must be solved through suppression or elimination.” – Q’uo
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