November 11, 2023
Topics: Speed bumps when you think you’re making progress; the temptation of pride; other-selves’ envy; working a traditional job while on the spiritual path; killing; third-density entities and the transition to fourth-density; deer hunting; the fifth dimension; empowering others to see the Creator within themselves; the origin of the Moon; Earth’s journey through the densities; Star Trek; how to visualize Q’uo.
I am Q’uo and am with this instrument at the time. And we greet each of you in love and in light of the One Infinite Creator; who is everywhere at all times, speaking through one type of instrument on the planet and another, that may or may not be aware that they have the Creator within them. We are here this afternoon to lend our vibrations of seeking the One Creator to you, as we know you also seek this same Creator. And it is our honor to be here with you.
We would remind you that we are but seekers of truth, as are you, who have moved somewhat further along on our journey of seeking than have you at this time. And we would ask a favor: that you see us not as infallible sources of information, but as those who offer their opinions that may be worthwhile to you. Take those thoughts and words that we offer and use them as you will, discarding any that have no value to you at this time. This allows us to speak more freely, so that we do not provide any stumbling blocks to you on your spiritual path of seeking.
Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research.
For more on Q’uo check out
Posted with approval of ll research.
Recommendations: Use headphones in a peaceful environment for an immersive experience.
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