We would like to know more about worry and fear in their relation to faith. Can one create faith, or must one wait for a gift of faith, like grace? Does worry or fear ever help us by giving us the motivation to protect ourselves from injury?
We are those of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. May we say what a blessing it is to be with you at this time, to share our thoughts with you and to blend our vibrations with your own. That which you ask this day is a question of much substance, for in learning the lessons of love the development of the faculty of faith plays a central role. The worry and fear which move through the awareness of those who seek is not so much that which is a mistake or error as that which reacts rather than responds and in developing the faculty called faith the lesson learned of responding rather than reacting is key.
Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research.
For more on Q’uo check out https://www.llresearch.org
Posted with approval of ll research.
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