December 9, 2023
Group question: Q’uo, today we would like to ask about dealing with the pain of change, particularly on a day-to-day basis in the course of our everyday lives. Why is change itself painful?
You are indeed within an illusion, my friends, the illusion created by the veil of forgetting, so that what you plan before this incarnation as lessons that you would learn is not known to you consciously, unless you have been able to go within in meditation or contemplation, or to speak prayers to the One, to discover some feature that keeps repeating itself in your life pattern so that you become cognizant of portion of your life lesson. And that is to move through this third density incarnation in a manner which will eventually allow you to open your hearts in unconditional love for all those around you in a manner that exceeds the tipping points of 51% service to others.
This is the great goal. However, the journey is long, and sometimes it is difficult because you have to go through periods of feeling that you need to do better, do more, do differently; you need to deal with catalyst that is presenting itself for you in a manner that feels like it may be too much. It may be that which you cannot do that is asking you, in order to open the heart more, that you lose some of the energy centers below the heart.
Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research.
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Posted with approval of ll research.
Recommendations: Use headphones in a peaceful environment for an immersive experience.