December 29 2007
The question this week has to do with being in the moment. We’re wondering if Q’uo could give us some information about some of the obstacles there are towards keeping us from being in the moment. Our daily lives seem to be full of things that keep us from being in the moment. Please offer some hints as to ways that we can access the moment and be in the moment. And please give us some ideas about what the benefits might be for the spiritual seeker of remaining in the moment and “being here now.”
We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. We offer you most hearty thanks for asking us to join in your circle of seeking. We find your blended auras most beautiful and the sacred space that you have created by seeking the truth together is wonderful, full of light and hope, and we are privileged to be a part of this gathering.
We are most glad to speak with you about the problems of “slowing down to now” , tips on how to do that and the benefits of so doing. However, before we begin to share our humble thoughts with you, we would, as always, request that each of you please use his discrimination in listening to what we have to say. We are not authorities over you, nor should any be, for you are the keepers of your temple. You are those who discriminate between that which is for you and that which is not. If anything that we say has resonance, please follow the path of that resonance as long as it seems helpful to you to do so. If our thoughts do not resonate to you, please lay them aside without a second thought and move on.
Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research.
For more on Q’uo check out
Posted with approval of ll research.
Recommendations: Use headphones in a peaceful environment for an immersive experience.
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