Prosperity Through the Knowledge and Power of Mind: Lectures and Mental Treatments Delivered in London, New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles in the Years Between 1900 and 1913
This hand-book of prosperity was written from the basis, that thought is a substantial influence in the world like electricity, steam, heat and light. That man can control, -direct, transform and dissipate his thoughts in the same way that he manipulates the forces that are evident to his five senses.
If the man or womanwho takes this book has studied psychology and metaphysics from this viewpoint, they doubtless have had proof of this thought-power. If they have not, then let them approach this book with a fair mind willing to investigate and not to judge until all the evidence is in, and a thorough trial has been given to the practices and applications, recommended. In many cases, the simple perusal of the book will be sufficient to bring about a marked change for the better in one’s affairs.
But the most earnest desire of the Author is, not that one shall be merely prospered in his worldly affairs by this volume, but that the little book shall prove the door of a new life. And that the reader shall go on, studying other works, of like nature, until he knows all the joy and freedom, that have come to the many, who have found their peace and happiness by living the principles, that are here upheld.
Music By Mettaverse
When everything fades
inner worlds
star wanderers
celestial voices
111hz ambient meditative music
A Still Mind 432hz using a restless mind
Journey through the multiverse
Healing Tranquility 111hz
first source awaken the energetic heart 222hz
432 Hz Healing Music to Help You Focus, Relax and Fall Into Alignment With the Harmony of Creation
111hz healing music the field of oneness
111hz return to source
The Light Holders ⁂ 432Hz Music ⁂ Ambient, Calming Meditation Music
The Journey Inward ✧ Ambient Music for Self Reflection (432Hz) ✧ Music Therapy
Language Of Lightlight quotient study and focus alleviate stress
Into the Omniverse 963hz
Solstice revitalizing ambient music return to the light
Sea of Samsara , Karmic clearing 174Hz
First source awaken I the energetic heart 111hz
love the universal constant 111hz
639hz heart chakra love Harmony and positive energy
111Hz the field of oneness dissolve in the tranquility
a universal language 444hz/528hz
111hz the heart of true being for only 5 minutes
healing tranquility 111hz beta endorphins and cell regeneration
journey through the multi-verse
768hz throat chakra inspire creativity for 10 minutes
528HZ DNA repair musical mathematical matrix of creation
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