This is the starseed activation. This is designed to finally activate the starseed within you. If you have found this video it is likely you are a starseed and you were intended to listen to this. This requires no complicated meditation simply listen and your starseed DNA and abilities will begin the activation process.
Your presence on Earth at this time is not an accident or coincidence. Each and every one of you made the courageous choice to come here, to this planet, to assist in its evolution and healing. You knew before you arrived that there would be challenges, that there would be a forgetting of your true nature. But you came anyway, because of the love and dedication you have for this planet and all its inhabitants.
I want you to know that your mission, your purpose, your reason for being here – it’s all real. The stirrings of your heart, the whispers of your soul that have guided you on this path – they are not illusions or imaginings. They are the voice of your cosmic truth, reminding you of the star heritage that flows through your very being.
You may have felt alone or misunderstood in this journey of remembrance. But know that you are deeply seen, honored and appreciated. Your willingness to awaken to your starseed identity is a gift to the world. No matter how your path has unfolded thus far, trust that you are exactly where you need to be.
Today, we come together in sacred space to reactivate the dormant memories within you. To help you reclaim the totality of your galactic heritage and the extraordinary abilities that come with it. This is a vibrational homecoming, a remembrance of your truest essence.
Recommendations: Use headphones in a peaceful environment for an immersive experience.
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