Search Results for: seth

15 Steps To Think And Dream Creatively || EP 1034

In this episode I give 15 steps to change the way you think.  You are limitless and powerful and if you learn to think and dream creatively anything is possible.   The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and […]

You Are Limitless || EP 1033

You are limitless, you are infinite, all things are possible for you.  Much of what you experience is because of the limits you place upon yourself.  Awaken to your true identity and power.  You are limitless. How many excuses do you give for the things you do not have? The New Earth Activation trainings – […]

Clearing Your Energy Body To Create Your Reality || EP 1027

This episode is dedicated to ways to clear your emotional , mental and energy body so that you can better create your reality. The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth Alternate Universe […]

You Are The Love || EP 1026

This episode focuses on one major episode.  You are the love.   Your whole life has been crafted as an wonderful lesson of love. Every twinkling star in the sky comes from love. Many do not understand this lesson.  They think of love romantically.   You are in love. You are always in love. The […]

Q’uo The Paradox Of Fighting Darkness || EP 1024

This episode Q’uo delves more deeply the paradox of fighting the darkness when any level of belicosity is opposed to fourth density. We are pleased that you have called us once again today to partake in your channeling circle that we may speak to you regarding those queries which you have for us, that will […]

Q’uo On Mars And The Mark Of The Beast || EP 1010

This episode Q’uo delves more deeply into what happened to Mars and what is meant by the Mark of the Beast We are pleased that you have called us once again today to partake in your channeling circle that we may speak to you regarding those queries which you have for us, that will find […]

Q’uo On Freedom || EP 1003

This episode delves more deeply into freedom and a variety of other topics. For more on q’uo check out The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get […]

Charles Fillmore Giving And Receiving (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 531

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. — Luke 6:38. He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth […]

Guide Meditation One Voice From Infinity The Dr. Joseph Murphy Affirmations Mono-Aural || EP 498

Meditations starts at 2:10 This is similar to the cling to the divine meditation but without binaural The wonderful affirmations used in this meditation are done binaurally playing differently in both ears.  This is a classic hypnosis technique which induces deep trance states and will reach deep into your subconscious and reprogramming the mind.  Here […]

Guided Meditation Calling To The Divine The Dr Joseph Murphy Affirmations Binaural || EP 479

Meditations starts at 2:22 The wonderful affirmations used in this meditation are done binaurally playing differently in both ears.  This is a classic hypnosis technique which induces deep trance states and will reach deep into your subconscious and reprogramming the mind.  Here we call to the divine with incredible affirmations formulated by the master of […]