Orison Swett Marden The Force That Moves Mountains || EP 760

Faith moves mountains. “To him that believeth, all things are possible.” The man who does not believe in something and believe in it with all his soul is a pretty poor stick. Let nothing undermine your faith in your ultimate triumph. Hold this tenaciously, vigorously, intensely, and after awhile you will see things coming your way.  

Don’t be afraid to think too highly of yourself.  

If the Creator made you and is not ashamed of the job, certainly you should not be. He pronounced His work good, and you should respect it.  

Faith Increases confidence, carries conviction multiplies ability.  

Faith doesn’t think or guess. It sees the way out It is not discouraged or blinded by mountains of difficulties, because it sees through them—sees the goal beyond.  

There are marvelous utilities, infinite good, and unspeakable beauties in the great cosmic intelligence, the unseen world, ready for our use and enjoyment. If we only had sufficient faith to believe they were there we could draw them to ourselves.  

Writing of heroes discovered by the world war, Edmund Kemper Broadus says: “There are stories of the heroism of ‘our boys’ that stir us beyond words—stories, too, that change with astonishing abruptness our estimates of those whom we had too lightly regarded.  

There was a certain youth, for example, for whom I fear that I had scant respect during his student life; a sickly fellow with rather a hang-dog air. He was out of his classes a good deal of the time and he was not successful in examinations. I believe that I suspected him of malingering. He tried to enlist and was turned down by the medical inspector, and tried again and yet again without success.

How he ever got in, nobody could understand; but one day he went, and we shook our heads and prophesied that he would be incapacitated in a week or two. We heard no more of him until word came in letters from his friends that he had quietly picked up a smoking bomb and thrown it clear of the trench before it exploded, and then had climbed out in the face of the flying bullets and brought in a wounded comrade. And this was he who had only last year seemed such a faint-hearted traveler along life’s common way!  

Every now and then, like this writer, we are amazed at some youth we knew, starting out all at once and doing some tremendous thing which we did not believe was possible to him.  

He may not have had any more ability, perhaps not as much, as those around him, but he had a superb self-faith, which enabled him to dare and do, when the more timid ones, even perhaps, with far superior ability, hesitated, wavered, did not dare to attempt what in reality they were able to do.  

It is faith that everywhere does the “impossible.”  

It is faith in God and faith in oneself, a divine self-confidence that makes men gods, whose will must be obeyed.  

If it were not for wrong thinking such faith would be the rule in human life instead of the exception, for “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  

Unfortunately most of us measure ourselves by our weakness instead of by our strength.  

Dr. Orison Swett Marden (1848–1924) was an American inspirational author who wrote about achieving success in life and founded SUCCESS magazine in 1897.  

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Music by Mettaverse

Travel light


healing tranquility

777hz deep relaxation

language of light

love the universal constant

a universal language

into the omniverse

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