Every thought or emotion vibrates through every cell in the body and leaves an influence like itself. The coming man will find it as easy to counteract an unfriendly, disagreeable thought, by turning on the counter-thought which will antidote or neutralize it, as it is to rob the hot water of its burning power by turning on the cold water faucet. The hatred thought cannot live an instant in the presence of the love thought. “He who hates is an assassin”—and he is also causing his own death.
New thought builds new cells, life cells, youth cells in the body, just as the old style of thinking, the worry thought, the aging thought, the discordant thought, builds cells which correspond. The time will come when we shall listen to the cry of the cells suffering from disease and discord, just as we now listen to the cry of a child, and shall antidote the discord with the soothing, healing thought balm. We shall speak harmony, peace, health to the discordant cells until the disease is neutralized and harmony reigns.
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