…At all costs, we must realize that we have two forms of breathing, one of the spirit and one of the body. The breathing of the spirit depends on the fibers that come from the brain, and the breathing of the body depends on the blood vessels that come from the heart and from the vena cava and aorta. – Emanuel Swedenborg
I was inspired after my interview with Curtis Childs regarding Emanuel Swedenborg. How did this man move to a spiritual level to receive such amazing illumination and enlightenment from the unseen realms. It turns out that Swedenborg did it through something called internal breathing. This mind blowing place where Swedenborg would go without breathing for hours at a time. He called it “internal breathing”
Internal breathing is one of the most esoteric and mysterious aspects of Emanuel Swedenborg’s life story. This energetic breathwork was a constant practice for him which, throughout his life, became an ever-deepening and broadening gateway into internal realms of spiritual reality. He would often lapse into extended breathless trances, flirting with the rough edges of mortality and bringing back the vast psychedelic landscapes of the world beyond death.
Swedenborg recorded detailed accounts of how this practice affected his psyche in his spiritual diary, providing a kind of guidebook to the subtle interior realms which define the living currents of the animate domain. He believed that the most ancient people had this different sort of respiration, afforded by the absence of speech “internal breathing” allowed them to have an intense awareness of internal influx and profound intimacy with those who had passed on to the next life.
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