Neville Goddard
We are told that God became man that man may become God. And you may think that you are the man and God is the other that became you. Tonight I would have you reverse that: you are the God that became man that man may become you.
If I understand scripture correctly and if my visions which parallel scripture are accurate, and I know they are, I tell you that what I just told you is true. Then we are told in the 82nd Psalm that we shall die like men: “I say that you are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you will die like men, and fall as one man, O princes” (verses 1, 6).
So we were the gods who became men that men may become as we are. So here we find ourselves today in the world of men. Now we are told, the day will come that we will tell posterity…posterity will serve us and tell of the Lord who wrought it…who actually brought about the deliverance of man.
So you and I actually became humanity that humanity may become as we are. This I do know from my own personal mystical experience. So reverse it, don’t think that you are some little worm and then God became as you are that you may be as he is.
You were God and therefore you are God. You became man that man may become you, and that you is God. So you take the whole thing and reverse it and then you’ll have an entirely different feeling about it.
Neville. The Return of Glory: 1969 Lectures (p. 223).
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