April 26 1968
There is nothing perceived which cannot be duplicated in fancy; consequently, the world perceived always resembles our private fancy, and is, therefore, so far as the evidence goes imaginal in character. Here is a graphic example. I suppose everyone here, unless our sense of smell is impaired, knows what it is to detect the fragrance of a rose. Now, smell is a chemical sense and depends upon contact for perception…but do you need the contact? Can’t you reproduce that fragrance in fancy? I do not need a rose to detect the fragrance of the rose. If this very moment I wanted to smell, all in my Imagination, that of a sweet pea, that of an Easter lily, I can discriminate between all of these odors. And everyone should be able to do the same thing. So if I can discriminate between these objects, then I say they do not exist independent of Imagination on some level or levels. They exist imaginatively. I’ve had the experience of such fragrance and they are now in existence, imagined, and I can call upon it from my memory of that experience and bring it back and duplicate it in fancy. So if I can duplicate it in fancy, then is this world different from my imaginal world? It isn’t.
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