Neville Goddard The Eternal Plan || EP 277


Since 1959 I have been in the unique position to share with you God’s plan of salvation. I did not know it before. I knew his law, taught it, practiced it, tried to live by it, and for years helped hundreds and hundreds to change their world to make it conform to they dreams. But in July, I can say with Paul to me this grace was given: to preach and to make known to all men what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God. But it’s such an unusual plan, it’s so unlike what men expected that from here to the East Coast and north I still find the resistance that has been found throughout the centuries. It’s not what man was looking for. He thought of some entirely different savior. He didn’t see a plan of salvation; he saw a savior outside of himself, not a plan. 

So I can also say with Paul, to me he has revealed his mystery, “the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time” (Eph.1:9, RSV). Well, Christ of scripture is not a Christ of any little secular history, it’s the cosmic Christ. It is the Christ in you that has made you alive. Christ in you is the hope of glory (Col.1:26,27). In this Christ the plan is concealed. It is in this Christ that the plan will unfold, and when it unfolds you will stand amazed, awestruck, but there is no other interpretation to the unfolding of the plan. 

You will see why others resist it, because it’s not what you expected. But because you’ve been here over the months, and some over the years, you are at least witnesses in a sense, because you can say, I heard it said and I trust him. Well, I promise you, you will be able to be a witness from some internal experience, where you can say “I heard of thee with the hearing of the ear”—“I heard him say” that’s the lesser revelation—“but now my eye sees thee” (Job42:5)—now I have experienced it. So you will say with Job, “I have heard of thee with the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees thee.” 

And this comes always at the end of the journey. Then you don’t argue the point, you simply tell it, you tell it to everyone. Some will hear it, believe you, and others will reject it. It’s so difficult to change man’s misunderstanding of scripture and put it back upon track after you have been given the plan. So he said, to me this grace was given—for what purpose?—to preach and to make all men see what is the plan. Here is a plan of the mysteries, which has been hidden for ages in God. And then comes the plan unfolding in you, and then you share it with the world. So here in this last week I want to remind you of this eternal plan. Not to omit his law, his law is perfectly marvelous: you can be anything you want to be in this world by applying his law if you bear in mind that at all times men and women are only in states. A man is in the state of poverty. 

The being occupying the state of poverty must express poverty; but you need not continue in that state. The man occupying the state of being wealthy must express wealth; he need not continue in that state… When it begins to unfold, it always unfolds in the very end of the journey.

The thumbnail art is by Roger Oney
check out his collection at

Music By Mettaverse

A Still Mind 432hz using a restless mind

Journey through the mulitverse

Healing Tranquility 111hz

first source awaken the energetic heart 222hz

432 Hz Healing Music to Help You Focus, Relax and Fall Into Alignment With the Harmony of Creation

111hz healing music the field of oneness

111hz return to source

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