We speak in the Bible of repentance, and the world thinks that it means to regret, to be remorseful. That’s not what the Bible teaches. Prayer and repentance are almost synonymous terms. We are told to bear fruit that befits repentance. Then they say of the central character of the Scripture: “You and your disciples eat and drink with sinners.” And he replied, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Leave the righteous alone. They are so self-satisfied. They like themselves, so leave them alone. The word “sin” hasn’t a thing to do with breaking any moral code. The word “sin” means to miss the mark. That’s what it means. You have a goal in life and you haven’t achieved it, well then, you are sinning. You may have a billion dollars, and still are hungry for another. Well then, if you don’t have the other, you are sinning.
You may keep all the so-called codes of the world imposed upon you by the priesthoods of the world—that would mean nothing as far as the Scriptures go. To repent is simply a radical change of attitude. That is what repentance means. For if I radically change my attitude towards life, I will then view the world and see the world from that change of attitude. And that change is a change of consciousness, and that change will be externalized in my world. Now, repentance is at once man’s responsibility and a gift of God. Now, let us show you what I mean by it.
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Neville Goddard
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Anthony Norvell – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo_XHLvIXgYWWKbweUfzocyZ
All my Audiobooks – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo-ArT_9WQ-SrKaEP7VgIPb5L
Sleep Meditations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo_5Sv8NSXuDWudAVmoDns6Z
The Guided Meditations Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo_BfNnb5vLcwouInskcEhqL
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