Purified By The Death Of Your Delusions
Neville Goddard
Tonight’s subject is about one’s delusions: “Purified by the Death of Your Delusions.” You may find it, well, I don’t say you will find it profound, no, but I’ve always felt that whatever is most profoundly spiritual is in reality most directly practical, and you’ll find this very practical. But, it does take us into other areas.
Possibly the most…if I could choose among the Beatitudes, I would choose the sixth, if I could choose. But it seems arrogant on anyone’s part to choose among the great Beatitudes. The sixth Beatitude is “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mat.5:8). This is a profound statement because man becomes what he beholds, and no man becomes God until he can see God. It’s God and God alone who unveils himself that man can see him.
But it’s an everlasting expansion of the unveiling, as we are told so clearly in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, the 3rd chapter of 2nd Corinthians: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this is by the Lord who is the Spirit” (verse 18). So he unveils himself in our presence and we at that moment are transformed into the image of what we behold. We invariably become what we behold. The veil that we wear is this garment, and so he simply lifts it and exposes himself, and we behold him as we become him.
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Intro 00:00
Lecture 01:40
Discussion 46:31