Neville Goddard Mental Diets || EP 231

Neville Goddard

Mental Diets

Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in. We could no more stop talking to ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking. All that we can do is control the nature and the direction of our inner conversations. Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstance of our life.

We are told that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” But do we know that man’s thinking follows the tracks laid down in his own inner conversations? To turn the tracks to which he is tied in the direction in which he wants to go, he must put off his former conversation, which is called in the Bible the Old Man, and be renewed in the spirit of his mind.

Speech is the image of mind; therefore, to change his mind, he must first change his speech. By ‘speech’ is meant those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves. The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations. For there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. When man discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and his mission in life.

Then he can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he acts unconsciously. Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations which go on in us without our being aware of them. But as civilized beings, we must become aware of them and act with a purpose.

If we do not like what is happening to us, it is a sure sign that we are in need of a change of mental diet. For man, we are told, lives not by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And having discovered the mouth of God to be the mind of man, a mind which lives on Words or inner talking, we should feed into our minds only loving, noble thoughts. For with Words or inner talking we built our world.

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Welcome to the reality revolution. Today we’re going to delve into another beautiful lecture by nipple. Got her deliberated 1955 called mental diets. There’s never been a better time to hear this lecture than right now so much going on in the world. You can just open up the news and get sucked into all kinds of terrible events happening all over the world with diseases and fires and weather storms and cyclones and earthquakes and hurricanes, murders, and everybody wants to tell you about all the bad news. And then on top of that, you’re having conversations with yourself and it can just turn and become negative and it can pull you into a lifeline, into a world, a life where everything is more dull, there’s less pleasure, everything is darker. So you have a responsibility to understand the importance of what it is you’re assuming in your life and what you’re thinking about. And this lecture by Neville Goddard really deals with that mental diets by Neville Goddard. Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in. We could no more stop talking to ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking all that. We can do is control the nature and the direction of our inner conversations. Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life. We are told that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, but do we know that man’s thinking follows the tracks laid down in his inner conversations to turn the tracks to which he is tied in the direction in which he wants to go. He must put off his former conversation, which is called in the Bible, the old man and be renewed in the spirit of his mind. Speech is the image of mind. Therefore, to change his mind, he must first change his speech by speech is meant. Those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves. The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations for there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. When man discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and his mission in life. Then he can act to a purpose without such knowledge. He acts unconsciously. Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations which go on in us without our being aware of them. But as civilized beings, we must become aware of them and act with a purpose. A man’s mental conversations attract his life as long as there is no change in his inner talking. The personal history of the man remains the same to attempt to change the world before we change. Our inner talking is to struggle against the very nature of things. Man can go round and round in the same circle of disappointments and misfortunes, not seeing them as caused by his own negative inner talking, but as caused by others. This may seem farfetched, but it is a matter which lends itself to research and experiment. The formula the chemist illustrates is not more certainly provable than the formula of this scene by which words are clothed in objective reality. One day a girl told me of her difficulties in working with her employer. She was convinced that he unjustly criticized and rejected her very best efforts. Upon hearing her story, I explained that if she thought him unfair, it was a surefire sign that she herself was in need of a new conversation piece. There was no doubt but that she was mentally arguing with her employer for others only echo that which we whispered through them in secret. She confessed that she argued mentally with him all day long when she realized what she had been doing. She agreed to change her inner conversations with her employer. She imagined that he had congratulated her on her fine work and that she in turn had thanked him for his praise and kindness to her great delight. She soon discovered that her own attitude was the cause of all that Bethel. Her, the BA Havier of her employer reversed itself. It echoed as it had always done her mental conversations with him. [inaudible]. Now this story that Neville just gave is also given in his book the power of awareness. Check out my episode where I do a full reading of that book that is his wife that he is talking about. He goes on to say, I rarely see a person alone without wondering to what conversation piece is he tied on? What mysterious track is he walking? We must begin to take life consciously for the solution of all problems. Lies just in this. The second man, the Lord from heaven in all of us is trying to become self conscious in the body that he may be about his father’s business, water, his labors to imitate his father, to become master of the word master of his inner talking. That he may mold this world of ours into a likeness with what the kingdom of love the prophet said, be imitators of God as dear children. How would I imitate God? Well, we are told that God calls things that are not seen as though they were seen and the unseen becomes seen. This is the way the girl called forth praise and kindness from her employer. She carried on an [inaudible] conversation with her employer from the premise that he had praised her work and he did. Our inner conversations represent in various ways the world we live in our individual worlds, our self revelations of our inner speech. We are told that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof for by their words. They shall be justified and by their words they shall be condemned. We abandon ourselves to negative inner talking. It expect to retain command of all life are present. Mental conversations do not recede into the past as man believes they advance into the future to confront us as wasted or invested. Words. My word said the prophet shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in all the things where to. I sent it. How would I send my word to help a friend? I would imagine that I’m hearing his voice, that he is physically present, that my hand is on him. I would then congratulate him on his good fortune. Tell him that I have never seen him look better. I would listen as though I heard him. I would imagine that he is telling me he has never felt better. He has never been happier and I would know that in this loving, knowing communion with another communion, populous with loving thoughts and feelings that my word was sent and it shall not return to unto me void, but it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it. Now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. It is only what is done now that counts even though its effects may not be visible until tomorrow. We call not out loud, but by an inner effort of intense attention. To listen attentively as though you heard is to create the events in relationships of life are your word made visible? Most of us Rob others of their willingness and their ability to be kind and generous by our fixed attitudes towards them. Our attitudes unfold within us in the form of mental conversations. Enter talking from premises of fulfilled desire is the way to consciously create circumstances. Our inner conversations are perpetually out pictured all around us in happenings. Therefore, what we desire to see and hear without we must see and hear within for the whole manifested world goes to show us what use we have made of the word. If you practice this art of controlled inner speaking, you too will know what a thrill it is to be able to say, and now I have told you before it comes to pass that when it has come to pass, you might believe you will be able to consciously use your imagination to transform and channel the immense creative energies of your inner speech from the mental, emotional level to the physical level. And I do not know what limits, if any, there are to such a process. What is your aim? Does your inner talking match? It must you know if you realize your aim for as the prophet asked, can two walk together except they be agreed and of course the answer is no, they cannot. The two who must agree are your inner conversation and the state desired. That is what you desire to see and hear without you must see and hear, right? Every stage of man’s progress is made by the conscious exercise of his imagination, matching his inner speech to his fulfilled desire. As we control our inner talking, matching it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other processes than we simply act by clear imagination and intention. We imagine the wish fulfilled and carry on mental conversations from that premise. The right inner speech is the speech that would be yours where you to realize your ideal. In other words, it is the speech of fulfilled desire. Now you will understand how wise the ancient was when he told us in the her Medica. There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon my man alone and on no other mortal creature. Those two, our mind and speech and the gift of mind and speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts rightly, he will differ and nothing from the immortals. And when he quits his body, mind and speech will be his guides and by them he will be brought into the trooper of the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss with the gift of mind. And speech. You create the conditions and circumstances of life. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. They are not separate. One from the other. For life is the union of word and mind you and your inner talking or word are one. If your mind is one with your inner conversations, then to be transformed in mind is to be transformed in conversation. It was a flash of the deepest insight that taught Paul to write, put off the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Put on the new man, put on the new man and be renewed in the spirit of your mind is to change your inner conversation. For speech and mind are one. A change of speech is a change of mind. The prophet Samuel said, the Lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue. If the Lord’s word was in the prophet’s tongue in the Lord’s mouth that uttered the word must be the prophet’s mind. For inner conversations originate in the mind and produce little tiny speech movements in the tongue. The prophet is telling us that the mouth of God is the mind of man, that our inner conversations are the word of God, creating life about us as we create it within ourselves. In the Bible, we are told that the word is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart that you may do it. See, I have set before you this day. Life and good death and evil, blessings and cursings choose life. The conditions and circumstances of life are not created by some power external to yourself. They are the conditions which result from the exercise of your freedom of choice. Your freedom to choose the ideas to which you will respond now is excepted time. This is the day of salvation whatsoever. Things are good of report. Think on these things for your future will be formed by the word of God, which is your present inner talking. You create your future by inner conversations. The worlds were framed by the word of God. That is your inner talking. See yonder fields. The Sesame them was sesamin. The corn was corn. The silence and darkness knew so as a man’s fate born, the light of Asia for ends run true to origins. If you would reap success, you must plant success. The idea in your mind which starts the whole process going to the idea which you accept as truth. This is a very important point to grasp. For truth depends on the intensity of imagination, not upon facts. When the girl imagined that her employer was unfair, his behavior confirmed her imagination. When she changed her assumption of him, his behavior reflected the change. Proving that an assumption though false if persisted in will harden into fact. The mind always behaves according to the assumption with which it starts. Therefore, to experience success, we must assume that we are successful. We must live Holy on the level of the imagination itself and it must be consciously and deliberately undertaken. It does not matter if at the present moment external facts deny the truth of your assumption. If you persist in your assumption, it will become a fact. Signs follow. They do not proceed to assume a new concept of yourself is to that extent to change your inner talking or word of God and is therefore putting on the new man. Our inner talking. The one heard by others is more productive of future conditions than all the audible promises and threats of men. Your ideal is waiting to be incarnated, but unless you yourself offer it human parentage, it is incapable of birth. You must define the person you wish to be and then assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled in faith that the assumption will find expression through you. The true test of religion is in its use, but men have made it a thing to defend. It is to you that the words are spoken. Bless it is she that believed for there shall be an accomplishment of those things which were spoken unto her from the Lord. Test it. Try it. Conceive yourself to be one that you want to be and remain faithful to the conception for life. Here is only a training ground for image making. Try it and see if life will not shape itself on the model of your imagination. Everything in the world bears witness of the use or misuse of man’s inner talking, negative inner talking, particularly evil and envious inner talking or the breeding ground of the future battlefields and penitentiaries of the world. Perhaps one of my favorite quotes by Neville Goddard, something to remember. Negative inner talking, particularly evil and envious, inner talking and envious or the breeding ground of the future battlefields and penitentiaries of the world through habit man has developed the secret affection for these negative inner conversations through them. He justifies failures, criticizes his neighbors, gloats over the distress of others and in general pours out his venom on all such misuse of the word perpetuates the violence of the world. The transformation of self requires that we meditate on a given phrase, a phrase which implies that our ideal is realized and inwardly affirm it over and over and over again until we are inwardly affected by its implications until we are possessed by it. Hold fast to your noble inner convictions or conversations. Nothing can take them from you but yourself. Nothing can stop them from becoming objective facts. All things are generated out of your imagination by the word of God, which is your own inner conversation and every imagination reaps its own words, which it has inwardly spoken. The great secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire. The only price you pay for success is the giving up of your former conversation, which belongs to the old man. Be unsuccessful, man. The time is ripe for many of us to take conscious charge in creating heaven on earth, to consciously and voluntarily use our imagination to inwardly hear and only say that which is in harmony with our ideal is actively bringing heaven to earth, to inwardly here and only say that which is in harmony with our ideal. Every time we exercise our imagination lovingly on behalf of another, we are literally meditating God to that one. Always use your imagination masterfully as a participant, not an onlooker, and using your imagination to transform energy from the mental, emotional level to physical. Extend your senses. Look in, imagine that you are seeing what you want to see, that you are hearing. What you want to hear and touching what you want to touch, become intensely aware of doing. So give your imaginary state all the tones and feelings of reality. Keep on doing so until you arouse within yourself the mood of accomplishment and the feeling of relief. This is the active voluntary use of the imaginary action as distinguished from the passive involuntary acceptance of appearances. It is by this active voluntary use of the imagination that the second man, the Lord from heaven is awakened in man. Men call imagination, a play thing, the dream faculty, but actually it is the very gateway of reality. Imagination is the way to the state desired. It is the truth of the state desired and the life of that state desired. Could you realize this fully wing then you would, you know, you would know that what you do in your imagination is the only important thing within the circle of our imagination. The whole drama of life is being enacted over and over again. Through the bold and active use of the imagination. We can stretch out our hand and touch a friend 10,000 miles away and bring health and wealth to the parched lips of his being. It is the way to everything in the world. How else could we function beyond our fleshly limitations but imagination demands of us, a fuller living of our dreams in the present, through the portals of this present, the whole of time must pass. Imagine elsewhere as here. Then as now try it and see. You can always tell if you have succeeded in making the future dream a present fact by observing your inner talking. If you are inwardly saying what you would audibly say were you physically present and physically moving about in that place, then you have succeeded and you could prophesy it from these inner conversations and from the moods which they awakened within you. What your future will be for one power alone makes us a profit. Imagination, the divine vision, all that we meet is our word made visible and what we do not now comprehend is related by affinity to the unrecognized forces of our own inner conversations in the moods which they arouse within us. If we do not like what is happening to us, it is a sure sign that we are in need of a change of mental diet for man. We are told lives not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And having discovered the mouth of God to be the mind of man, a mind which lives on words or inner talking, we should feed into our minds only loving noble thoughts for with words, or in her talking, we build our world. Let loves lordly hand raise your hunger and thirst to all that is noble and of good report and let your minds starve air you. Raise your hand to a cup. Love did not fill or a bowl. Love did not bless that. You may never again have to say, what have I said? What have I done? Oh, all powerful human word. So the title for this lecture again, is mental diet. And only at the very end does he imply how important every thought is in what you expose. The real focus of this lecture is not what we’re seeing on the outside world with the pendulums that I mentioned at the beginning. It’s what you’re saying to yourself on the inside. And I think that we talk to ourselves based on what we access around us, but the story that he gives at the beginning is given in more detail in the power of awareness. Essentially his wife would just get into these arguments while she’s going to work. And so the question is, have you imagined having an argument with somebody? You ever have an argument and beforehand you, there’s something you want to say to him and you go and run through the conversations in your mind of what you’re going to say. And by the time you get a chance to talk to me, you’ve been running through it in your mind so many times that you say it. And sometimes it usually doesn’t come out exactly like you practiced it, right? But it, it pulls you right into that conversation cause you’re sitting there having that negative conversation and they’re going to respond accordingly. So even if you’re in an argument, imagine having a loving conversation with that person. This is a crazy little tiny game changer that I have learned and it has affected my recent relationship. I really started analyzing when I had conversations with people, if I had run through beforehand and practiced out these conversations. Have you ever run through conversations that you were going to have with somebody beforehand? Well, the worst case is when you’re running through things that you want to say to somebody and you never say them, you still end up attracting something similar to these conversations. And the point that Neville Goddard made in giving this story was when his wife changed it. So did her boss. And so I, I tell you, if you have an issue with somebody in your family, wife or husband or boss or somebody that you work with, son, daughter, anything like that, those are the kinds of situations that you end up practicing how conversations. So start having loving conversations and you will notice the relationships change a lot of times what you think you’re doing when you’re reacting. You’ve already reacted beforehand because you had that conversation beforehand, but this is very true. There’s an inner dialogue that we have going on. Check out the lecture that I did for order. Your conversations are right. It’s very similar in this vein, but the way you talk to yourself is the key to avoiding pendulums. Be the pendulums. Want you to talk to yourself in a certain way and and this inner conversation is you using your imagination towards some inner dialogue that works against you. That’s at least my belief [inaudible] overall, this is a solid lecture. There’s not a lot of biblical references in this one and it really addresses the importance of words as a part of the process and achieving your wish fulfilled. A lot of the other lectures that we’ve gone over really emphasize obviously the feeling being the secret and being from the wish fulfilled, meaning that you’re expressing an interest in a moment that’s already happened. But this one really kind of differentiates a little bit because it talks about the importance of words and how the mind of man includes this power of the word and using the words that we use, and it’s the main reason that we will be a mortal. As he says at the beginning, these words are important and the words that you’re saying to yourself are the most important. Are you telling yourself that you are? Because I am is part of the word that you say. If you’re saying I am poor, then you will be poor. If you’re saying I am wealthy and you will be wealthy, so start saying things to yourself in a manner that’s consistent with what your wish fulfilled should be. Some people don’t like to give affirmations, but man, Oh man, what we’re talking about is the kind of the secret behind using affirmations. It’s about your inner conversation. When you’re, when you’re giving the affirmation, make it like it’s a conversation that you’re having with yourself and an a key point in this lecture is to tie it to to your wish fulfilled. When you’re saying that affirmation, it’s not just a mind numbing words that you’ve said over and over. Sometimes that’s the worst, but it’s associated with the feeling and the state of the wish fulfilled. Lock it in, link it together, anchor it to that feeling, anchor it. When you do your meditation, what I recommend is if you meditate before you go to bed and you imagine something for you or someone else, lock it in with a phrase that links it to it. It could be whatever phrase, but say that phrase at the end of it if you’re, or something so that when you don’t have time to sit for three or four minutes and really imagine something, you can just throw out that phrase and throw it out as if you’re having a conversation with yourself because the self that you’re having your conversation with is, God, I hope this helps you. Let me know in the comments how you handle your mental diets with yourself. Obviously there’s a mental diet for the ideas that we have coming in because we will not have a conversation with ourselves about stuff we don’t know about. When we start seeing stuff that we, on the news, we get worried about, we start having those conversations with ourselves. So let me know how you have handled these kinds of teachings with Neville Goddard. I’d love to know and to help in my learning. Do you have an effective habit and of yours in your mental diet? Do you monitor your conversations? Do you write down your conversations? Do you talk to yourself? And how is talking to yourself help affect your reality or her, your reality? So please put in the comments and anybody watching this video, check out those comments because we can use the comments as a laboratory for these lectures and we can discuss it. And if I can help answer a question, I’ll try to do it. Absolutely. 100% put a like on this video for somebody else that might be in a situation where they have terrible conversations with themselves. All it might mean is just this one video that they see it. And by liking the video and putting the comment that you can help the algorithm of this YouTube video, I always appreciate it when you guys watch. Thank you to metaverse for the wonderful music. Check out all episodes of the reality and welcome to the reality revolution.