Neville Goddard Love Divided From Imagination || EP 282



Now, if I were you, this is what I would do. I would assume that I am exactly what I want to be. And if everything happened—and it will happen, may I tell you—a change of heart in her, or a change of heart in him, depending upon which one it is that is trying to fly the coop if you want her. But then you will say, “But he doesn’t want her or she doesn’t want it.” I’m not asking that. “What wantest thou of me?” You ask me to tell you the story of Jesus Christ? 

The story of Jesus Christ is a perpetual, persistent assumption. Well, in what sense? In whatever you want to be. “But it doesn’t work, a persistent assumption.” What do you mean, it doesn’t work? Are you assuming that you are now what you want to be? “Well, I tried it.” Well, that’s not it. I’m speaking now of persistent assumption. So you want to be the head of a business? But you say, “After all, he has sons that are coming into the business and they’ll take over, how can I be head of the business?” Would you like to be the head of the business, in spite of all the sons, the nephews, and all the things of the world? “Well, I would like to.” 

Well now, I’ll tell you the story of Jesus Christ, it is simply a persistent assumption. Christ in you is the power of God. Imagination is Christ in you and that is the power of God and the wisdom of God. So he knows how to bring it to pass, but it takes a persistent assumption. Are you willing to assume that you are the head of the business? Are you willing to assume that you are…and you name it? But are you now going to go home and say, “Well now that’s a nice little talk that he gave, but after all, he has a million in the bank and I have nothing and I’m in debt”? And so that right away…here is disobedience, lack of faith in I am he. That’s the fundamental sin of the universe. “Unless you believe that I am he, you die in your sins” (John 8:24). That’s the fundamental sin.

The thumbnail art is by Roger Oney

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Music By Mettaverse

The Light Holders ⁂ 432Hz Music ⁂ Ambient, Calming Meditation Music

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